Monday 7 January 2013

Back on track

It was the EK crop on Saturday and it turns out that was the place I had left my scrapping mojo. I shouldn't have been surprised really, it was the last place I saw it after all.  

I'd lost all track of the days because of the new year bank holiday and thinking that Thursday was Friday, got my bag organised a day early.  (Didn't stop me being late arriving on the actual day though) So being super organised, I arrived with a bag of coordinating papers and photos and departed with three - yes, you read that right, three - layouts!
Starting with a layout to celebrate the annual family photo on Christmas Day, then moving onto
a layout celebrating our trip to Edinburgh to visit our son and his girlfriend after their move 'up north'  (Could moving from England to Scotland be considered emigrating abroad?)  Then after lunch I did a scenic page

to show a couple of the sights we saw on our trip.  I think this one needs a little more but I'm not sure what.  There's a part of me that thinks a few splodges of misting or droplets of paint might finish it off but there's another part of me that thinks that something like that, done by someone like me, might 'finish it off' in totally the wrong way ;-)

I had a brilliant day, catching up with old friends, discovering that the lady sitting opposite me runs the company that sends out the monthly scrapbook kit subscription that I signed up for last year, and selflessly sampling the cupcakes that Karen made.  You see she made two batches and for quality control purposes I had to make sure that both were equally good.  The first one was vanilla, with a vanilla icing and the other was a marmalade infused sponge with an orange icing.  It was a tough call but I think that after careful consideration and much deliberation the winner was .... no, it's no good, I really need to try both again ...


scrappyjacky said...

Sounds like the perfect day,Deb.....scrapbooking and cupcakes.

Cheri said...

So glad you found your mojo - right where you left it!

Sian said...

It's great to see some scrapbook pages from you again. Hurray!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had a lovely day and I knew I had someone's mojo in my bag from a previous crop - pleased it found it's owner. Love your layouts, x

alexa said...

Oh what a lovely way to spend a day :). Your pages show how worth it all it was - and I really like your humourous writing!

Elizabeth said...

Wish I knew where my mojo went! I haven't see it in months.

Sandie said...

So glad you found your mojo Debs! Lovely pages you created.

Denise said...

It was great to catch up with you and your layouts are fabaroonie !xx

Alison said...

Great layouts, Deb....I have a feeling I'm getting closer to finding my own mojo!
Alison xx