Thursday 31 January 2013

First Tale Told

Having shown my two little polaroids in the last post, I decided to use my day off wisely and get to grips with a layout inspired by the Telling Tales class over at Kirsty's blog. 

I was able to spread my mess crafty bits around as the dog is in the Mucky Pups grooming van.  She absolutely loves them grooming her.  When we try to do it ourselves it's a totally different matter!  I don't know what their secret is, what happens in the van - stays in the van!  

Anyhow, I wanted to document how my husband has really got back into his photography recently.  There's a long story of how I made him suggested that he join a camera club that an ex work colleague runs.  I went for coffee with her one morning and ended up promising that my husband would attend their next meeting.  She really wanted me to join but I delegated!  But after having said 'I'll go to ONE meeting, but only because you promised her' he now looks forward to their fortnightly get togethers.  So I knew which photo I would be using as I wanted one showing him using his new DSLR.  But then, wouldn't you know it, the colours didn't look right with the polaroid tabs I had made.  So I made another one in appropriate, more manly colours.  
I really liked the way this came together, one journaling card, one polaroid and a photo and the page was halfway there.  I even dared to stamp the bird and the foot prints straight onto the card right at the end of the layout, which is normally a recipe for disaster (and smudgy ink marks on a piece of cardstock)

PS re Facebook.  Yesterday I had a phone call from a friend.  'Are you OK?' she asked.  'only your profile has disappeared off FB.'  Which was weird as up to then I know it was still there because my daughter was checking it for me just to see if I had been closed down.  So I guessed that it really was the end of an era and time to reinvent myself.  Due to their identity rules you have to be who you say you are so I reverted back to Debbie instead of Deb.  Opened up a whole new email account just to link to FB and set everything up.  Went through the process of sending a gazillion friend requests.  Then guess what, this morning I woke up to an email saying ' sorry, we closed your account by mistake, you can get back into it now.'  Technology eh?!  So if anyone befriended me as Debbie and isn't a friend of Deb, please let me know, it's good to keep in touch!


scrappyjacky said...

The joys of technology, eh?? At least your hubby is enjoying the digital technology!!
Great layout of him.

Sian said...

That layout is beautiful - I love the colours. And a husband who is good at photography? Can you get him to take pictures to order then?

Elizabeth said...

My husband used to do a lot of photography. He even won some contests. If only I could get him back into it, I would have some lovely photos to scrap.

This West London Life said...

What a beautiful layout! Lucky you to have a husband keen to have a new hobby!

Cheri said...

Love the FB dilemma - now you can have a dual personality!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful layout Debs. The little Polaroids are perfect.

Scrappi Sandi said...

I'm loving these polaroid cards & this LO is just lovely & the stamping turned out perfectly!! I did accept the friend request from 'Debbie'...should I request you as a friend as Deb too...would hate to miss anything!! :D

Denise said...

Lovely layout Deb and the little polaroids are fab. So glad you sorted FB out xx

Amy said...

I ove the photo you have of him taking a photo - the colours in the actual photo and the layout are lovely Deb.

alexa said...

This is a lovely composition and colour combination - and I love your polaroid too.

Sandie said...

I love how you are using the class to make new pages! Looking good :)

Abi said...

He he! Your fb seems to have been such an adventure. I think I am friends with you on both so two for the price of one as it were! The camera club sounds fun.

Alison said...

Hope your FB trials are over Deb! Your polaroids are lovely, as is the layout...I am working on mine-it's lying half done on the table and I hope to get it finished tomorrow!
Alison xx

humel said...

I really like the layout too :) And yay that you're back on Facebook!

Sandra said...

What a great layout, loving the details in it. My hubby's into photography too, but let it lapse recently - he too was talking about joining a camera club