Monday 21 January 2013

Hello (snowy) Monday

Hello unexpected day off 

Can you imagine the disappointment upon logging into the Virtual Learning Environment last night and finding that message?  No traipsing through the cold, snow and ice to spend the day in a cold 100 year old building with dodgy heating.  Oh dear :-)

Hello icicles

 Yes, it's been that cold.  My 1st thought 'how pretty', my 2nd thought 'obviously the guttering around the conservatory is leaking.  Another job to add to my husband's To Do list'.  My husband's first thought?  'Don't let her notice that leaky gutter.'

Hello pretty garden

We've had lots of snow.  I reckon about 5".  The dog gets VERY excited out there, and jumps around like a spring lamb.  Not so excited about getting the ice out of her fur afterwards though.

Hello to a new spectator sport - Dog Walking on Ice.  I'm not sure that me and Coco will be voted through to the semi finals, one of us is far more enthusiastic than the other, one of us is having trouble keeping up with the routine, and the choreography leads much to be desired.

Hello to having to start up a new Instagram account.  I don't know what has happened but I had an odd message to say my account had been secured and I needed to go onto the website to validate the account.  But when I went onto it - they were asking for uploading a photo from an official ID, like passport or driving licence.  Now I'm pretty sure you don't need to do that just to share photos online so if it's still playing up by this evening I will be deleting that account and starting a new one.  

Hello to trying out some new Winter Warmer recipes.  On today's lunchtime menu, a new recipe to make chicken soup out of the left overs from the roast we had yesterday.  For dinner, a recipe out of my new Nigellissima book.  Quick Calabrian lasagne.  It includes hard boiled eggs, ham and mozarella cheese instead of cheese sauce.  Very different to my normal recipe.

Hello to more baking.  I made a Victoria Sandwich cake on Saturday morning.  There is less than a quarter left.  So after this blog post, I will be heating up the oven to make some rock cakes.  Suspect this 'hello' will be leading to 'hello bathroom scales' which will be swiftly followed by 'hello healthy eating diet' and 'hello more exercise'.  But not until the cold weather has passed eh?


Abi said...

oooh rock cakes! Perfect for a cold winter day. It is snowing a lot today which makes me even more determined not to head out! Weird instagram account? Have you tried sending them an email. It sounds like spam to me.

scrappyjacky said...

I definatey know what you mean about cold weather and healthy eating....I am trying though!!
Noticed my conservatory guttering is leaking as well!!
Enjoy your unexpected day off.

Denise said...

Hmmm that Victoria sponge sounds yummy - wonder if you could be persuaded to make one when I come and visit :-)))) x

Sian said...

We had some snow on Friday - and then it all disappeared again. Which is a good thing because we currently have a velux window jammed open at the top of the house and we are waiting for the repair man to come. It'll be snowing inside if he doesn't show up..

Hurray for unexpected days off!

Cheri said...

We've been spared any significant accumulation so far this winter, but the super cold weather is coming in tonight.

This West London Life said...

I do love a good Victoria Sponge. Hope you've had an enjoyable snow day.

Beverly said...

Oh yes, how very, very disappointing t get that message ;) Hope you have a lovely snow day but maybe you and Coco should give yp on the ice dancing!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you - an unexpected day off work. I like the sound of the baking though.

Alison said...

That lasagna sounds intriguing!...I just want to eat when it's cold too!
Alison xx

Elizabeth said...

I like your new Spectator Sport--Dog Walking on Ice. It's going to be 20 Degrees F here tomorrow with wind chills in the lower teens. Maybe I won't be walking tomorrow.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I would like for you to start saying good-bye to all that snow. It has 8 weeks to melt before Carrie and I arrive! (please)

Lucky girl getting a surprise day off! ;o)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Hello back at you! So fun to see everyone's snow pictures.