Saturday 4 January 2014

Welcoming in the new

So after we helped 2013 pack its bags and left it at the departure gate, we rushed round to 'Arrivals' to welcome in 2014. We didn't do anything exciting, just had a nice meal with a bottle of wine and watched New Year's Eve TV. Even managed to stay awake for Jules Holland, Big Ben chiming the hour and the fireworks. This week has been lovely, to just pootle around, doing not very much but relaxing, sewing and reading. Boy, is going back to work next week going to be tough!
We're not great at hitting the New Year sales but our daughter had been saving for the Mulberry sale and managed to get an exceptionally expensive handbag at 25% off! which just made it very expensive. She did the same last year and has used that bag every single day so if you divide up the amount spent by the times used, actually it was a very good buy! I was less extravagant but found a lovely dress in Phase Eight that was reduced by £40 and as I have a family christening to attend at the end of this month I very happily brought it home.
I was keen to start a new quilt project and ordered some lovely fabric for a full size quilt for my son's bedroom. My husband and I were going out on ... And as we drove up the road I saw the postman.
Stop the car!
What? Why?
I think he may have my fabric in his bag.
How can you tell?
I just can. Park up and wait and see.
Sure enough, as he got to our house, he rang the bell and was just about to leave a 'sorry I missed you' card when I jumped out the car, ran across the road and explained that the parcel was for me.  Happy days.


40 jelly roll strips of lovely fabric in gorgeous colours. Naturally I couldn't wait to get working on it and I have been trying to do a couple of blocks a day.
As we have moved into another month, it's been time to start another block for the Friendship Quilt. This one will be heading off to Alison in Spain.  I already knew what fabric I was going to be using but hadn't found a pattern to use.  However, now I am the proud owner of a few quilting magazines, it wasn't too hard to find inspiration! I wish I knew how to easily adapt a 12" pattern to a 6" one - does anyone out there have any ideas?  I spent yesterday happily sewing and hope to be able to get to the Post Office early next week to send it off.  I won't share it here until she's received it. Nope, not even on Instagram!
Along with many others, we have noticed that we have both put on a few pounds over the holidays and I need to stop baking and dig out a few more healthy eating recipes.  So why then have I invited friends over for dinner next weekend? Maybe after a week of no treats we will have earned a night off. I'm trying to convince myself that the menu I've planned is quite 'light' - whether it is or not is up for discussion. I spent this morning doing a trial run of the dessert I'm planning.  Individual cheesecakes that are made in muffin tins, with an Oreo cookie as a base.  I'll be serving them with a coulis made from mixed fruits so surely that cancels out any calories ;-)  I'll let you know the verdict after we've had the trial ones tonight.
So we have officially reached the New Year TV programming and I am so happy to know that Sherlock is back - so now we all know how he didn't die in that fall!  Plus the new series (that has just finished in the US) of Greys Anatomy starts again this coming week, and also Revenge.  I have my evenings sorted!
It's time to finish blogging and help to pack up the Christmas decorations for another year.  I thought I may try an idea of Helena's that I've noticed a few others are taking part in. Zoom in, zoom out. So I will leave you with a last glimpse of our Christmas tree, and the first 'selfie' of the year with my reflection zoomed into a bauble.


This West London Life said...

Happy New Year!

Abi said...

Happy New Year Deb. They are beautiful quilt squares. I also got a jelly roll for christmas and can't wait to start using it!

Ginger said...

I'm following "London " on IG and loved seeing the beautiful fireworks display for New Year's! I'm hoping to look for a weeks worth of healthy menus too, but perhaps I'll add a treat or two as your cheesecake recipe sounds delish! :) Have a great day!

scrappyjacky said...

Love your little selfie.

Anonymous said...

Lovely quilting Deb. I look at everyone's blogs and see all these lovely quilts being made and think I would like to do that too but then remember, just in time, I really don't have the time at the moment.

We have decided we need to eat more healthily after our Christmas excesses.

Happy New Year to you and hope to see you soon x

Anonymous said...

Lovely quilting Deb. I look at everyone's blogs and see all these lovely quilts being made and think I would like to do that too but then remember, just in time, I really don't have the time at the moment.

We have decided we need to eat more healthily after our Christmas excesses.

Happy New Year to you and hope to see you soon x

helena said...

I've often wondered what a jellyroll looks like - lots of fun. Great to have you taking part in zoom in and out and love that you got a selfie on the bauble

Sian said...

There's nothing quite like the satisfaction of catching the postman before he makes his getaway ..unless of course it's the satisfaction of a reduced Mulberry handbag! They are gorgeous.

A really enjoyable round up post - Happy New Year Deb!

Sandie said...

Happy quilting Debs! I love fabric and have a lot myself, but I dare not start yet another project as much as I admire quilting and what it stands for. It's lovelt this next one will be going off to Alison, and I am also enjoying Helena's new photo challenge. I must join in, I like things when they are quick and easy as there is not time for everything I want to do!

Denise said...

HappyNew bloggy year, I can finally get back to my friends in blogland and catch up.I'm loving your quilty stuff Deb - we must catch up soon xx

Maria Ontiveros said...

What a great post! I love your zoom in zoom out photograph and your story of stopping the postman!
We had a quiet New Year's Eve (hosting Clara and some of her friends). Tomorrow it's back to work for me, so enjoying my last free day with blogs and photography!

Alison said...

A lovely chatty post!i'm really excited to see my quilt blocks...then off course I have to work out what to do with them!
Alison xx