Monday 6 October 2014

Topless in a car park

Also known as Me on Monday, the brain child of Sian.
It's Monday:
Yes I was topless in a car park.
Yes it was chilly.
Yes it was for a good reason.

I don't know if it's the same where you live but in this area women are called for breast screening every 3 years once you get to 50.  There is a specialist hospital north of here that sends mobile units out to local hospitals. They park in the car park and inside it's a fully functioning x ray department.  We did have a light hearted discussion at work where I said that as they have building works going on there at the moment, I hoped I wouldn't accidentally wander into a workman's porta cabin to strip off! Do you see the notice on the side of the door asking gentlemen to stay outside? That's a clue that I was in the right place!

Did you have a good weekend? Autumn arrived here for sure this weekend. Saturday was cold, wet and miserable but yesterday was bright and sunny although certainly there was a chill in the air. For us it was a Turn the central heating on, crack on with the sewing of the new quilt, buy some spring flowering bulbs to plant, discover evidence of a mouse in the garage, Strictly Come Dancing watching, son discovering a puncture in his car tyre, too much football on the tv kind of weekend.

Pop over to Sian and see what she has been up to. Better still - share a Me on Monday post too!


This West London Life said...

That's a post title to catch the eye! I remember as a teenager going to a similar set-up for a chest x-ray to rule out TB. I have a few more years before that particular delight comes my way.

helena said...

I'm really enjoy Strictly so far this year - I never was a Brucie fan and I like the range of celebs - although there seem a greater number than recently who cannot dance at all

Sian said...

Okay, this is a way better title. Every week from now on, this is what I'll be thinking I should call my post :) Love it.

I said I wasn't going to get sucked into Strictly this year even tho I've always been a fan, because I didn't know who half the celebs were. Well, that lasted a week. Yes I'm enjoying it too

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What a great title! Another Strictly fan here, although I used the time it was on to catch up with the ironing.

Denise said...

It was definitely a puncture type of weekend as himself had one too. Yay for Strictly - loving it again as always. Loved your post title today! x

Anonymous said...

Lovely post Deb - I decided to watch Strictly all the way through this year instead of just the final - good decision I think.