Friday 31 August 2018

Scavenger Hunt link up number 3

The post in which I show my last photo - every single one ticked off the list!   I had shown all the others already here and here.

So without further ado I would like to present to you the one which caused me the most trouble to find and yet appeared under my nose when I went to the hairdressers

No 17 - Repurposed

An old cable drum being used as a table in the waiting area of the salon.  I was sitting on the sofa waiting to be called and had one of those 'light bulb' moments when I realised that the table in front of me perfectly fitted the last category that I had been searching for.

It's been such fun to join in with this project again.  Thanks a million to Mary-Lou for hosting it and prompting me to keep my eyes open for the unexpected during the summer.  I cannot wait to see what everyone else has found!


Melissa said...

Oh what a perfect find! We used to have one of those in our yard that we played on when I was a kid. Daddy worked for the telephone company & they were always emptying those cable drums!

Patio Postcards said...

Deb this is such a good find. Trying to find those cable drums locally is difficult as they as SO popular to have. Your hairdressers have done a good re-purpose fix up.

Ruth said...

Great final find! Repurposed is causing me some difficulty as well!