Monday 21 November 2022

Me on Monday

 Alternative title - Me on Rosie's birthday.  

How can it possibly be four years since this little lady arrived in the world?

She's certainly grown up since that photo was taken!  

I am sure we will pop and see her when she gets home from school, her party was Sunday.

Can you guess which one is our little princess?

Last week was far more expensive than we had thought it may be as our tumble drier broke quite dramatically on Monday.  The screw holes which help attach the drum to the motor distorted and then tore as the drum made a bid for freedom from the rest of the machine.  To repair would mean a whole new drum, plus possibly a new motor and as we had bought it at least 12 years ago, probably would mean that it was more expensive to keep than to replace.  So a new one was ordered, the washing built up over the week and a new one arrived on Friday. 

The weather was miserable most of the week and I have to be honest, one afternoon, I picked up the blanket I had put down when I started the gingerbread one and watched a Christmas film.  It was warm under the blanket work in progress, it was one of those 'happy ever after' films and it was a really comforting way to spend an hour or two.  It got me in the mood to decorate the house too, but tradition dictates we don't do that until the weekend closest to P's birthday so that has to wait a little while yet.

So what does this week hold?  A couple of social events - a meal out with my friends on Wednesday evening for me and then popping to see friends with Paul on Friday.  I need to go into town and get something for P's birthday.  He knows I've got him some art supplies that he chose himself but I like to get a surprise gift to go with them.

Right, time to put that new dryer to good use.  It's wet and miserable outside and there's a pile of bed linen that needs to be washed.  I hope it's better weather where you are, I've seen on Instagram that some people have already had their first fall of snow.  Please don't send that across the Atlantic just yet!


Patio Postcards said...

It seems we were both dealing with appliances that died suddenly. I know once my pair get delivered this week, I'll be doing a lot of laundry catch up - oh joy!

Rosie looks like she is enjoying her birthday celebrations in the company of princesses. What fun.

Curling up under a blanket on a cold wintry day sounds like a perfect way to enjoy the day. I'll try to keep our snow regional for a bit longer :)

Ruth said...

It seems you are not alone in having white goods fail this last week ... frustrating to have an unexpected expense.

It looks like little Miss R may have had a lot of fun turning four!

Jennifer said...

Happy birthday to your cute princess! What a fun birthday!! Appliance woes. Why are they so untimely? Here's to a less expensive week....and much less laundry:) Hope there is a piece of leftover princess cake to enjoy!

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

Bad news about the tumble dryer Deb.
Four years old does seem a big milestone. Our granddaughter Rosie is four in March.
I look forward to watching a few Christmas films under a duvet. One of the best aspects of winter and retirement!
Have a good week

Susanne said...

What an absolute doll she is. How nice to have a new dryer, I bet it is so much more efficient than your old one. I have yet to hunker down for a holiday movie, that would probably help my productivity in the longer term.