Tuesday 5 October 2010

Warm and Toastie

A few weeks ago I blogged about our Textiles teacher trying to entice me into showing some of the students at our school how to knit when she saw me working on the blanket for my great-niece. I've tried to avoid her ever since and I think I may have got away with it!
Anyway, the blanket is now finished so I thought it only fair to show it to you. When I saw the colours my niece had chosen, I wasn't totally convinced how it would look as a blanket but now it is finished I think she chose well and having one row of chunky wool randomly through the blanket gives it a wavy texture. I just have a few ends to finish off and then I shall be handing it over. I'm keeping back a few balls of wool to knit a little owl that I saw on Rachel's blog.
I've enjoyed getting my knitting needles out of retirement and need to find some more projects to keep me occupied .... any ideas?


scrappyjacky said...

The colours look great,Deb....I'd like to get my needles out of retirement as well.

Denise said...

Looking great-the colours are lovely xx

This West London Life said...

It looks really fab and snuggly.

Sian said...

Well, I'll be posting a picture of my knitted dog later on - you could join me in recreating Battersea dogs home entirely in yarn?

The blanket looks fantastic!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I just love the colors of this blanket, Deb! You and Sian are really impressing me with your knitting skills!!! xo

Maria Ontiveros said...

Beautiful job, and I love how younphotographed it. Is that really a yellow rotary phone?
The maverick crafter always has great links for knitting projects.

debs14 said...

Yes Maria, that is an original phone. Can't tell you how many hours I spent chatting on it when I was a teenager! We rescued it from my parent's house after they died and I've been keeping it safe ever since.

Rachel Brett said...

The blanket looks fab Deb, the colours work so well together.

How about a hat and scarf for your project list? :)

Amy said...

I love your artistic presentation Deb ... in fact, I'd love to pop on over for a cuppa and a chat :-)
I think the colours look fantastic but I am very sorry to hear of your avoidance tendancies, I think the girls would love a knitting class!

Liberty :) said...

I wish I could knit! - Next project - Knit me a hat for the winter puhleeaaase?? :P

I love the blanket the colours are REALLY lovely!

Cute owl too! :)

humel said...

I have an idea - you could knit owls for all your faithful blog followers ;-)

Gorgeous blanket, and well done wriggling out of the class idea - long may that continue! xx