Well isn't this a great way to spend a Saturday! I'm so pleased you arrived here safely, and whether you came via Jacky or Deb's blog or just an accidental visit - please step inside and join the party. If you came via Jacky, she's got a fab new kitchen so I'm afraid mine will seem a bit tatty by comparison! Anyhow, you've had a couple of hours on the motorway, you must be tired and thirsty, come in and join me for a glass of wine and welcome to my home!
I hope you're feeling hungry, as I've cooked my favourite dish, slow roasted shoulder of lamb with a garnish of pomegranate seeds and mint. It's as delicious served with hot accompaniments or with salad and shhhh don't tell anyone but it's super-easy to make. My recipe is a variation on Nigella Lawson's, but before I share the details, take a look and have a little sample taste and tell me what you think
To serve 6 - 8 as a main course
1 shoulder of lamb (approx 2 1/2 kg)
4 shallots, halved
6 cloves of garlic
I carrot peeled and halved
500ml boiling water
Sprinkle of sea salt
Seeds of a pomegranate and small handful of chopped mint leaves for garnish
Preheat oven to 170 degrees/Gas mark 3
On the hob, brown the lamb, fat side down in a large roasting tin just until the skin is browned along the middle. Set this aside while you briefly fry the onion/carrot/garlic.
Sprinkle them with salt and then put the lamb (fat side up this time) on top of them and pour the boiling water around it. Cover the pan with foil and put in the oven.
Now you more or less forget about it for five hours, just checking it now and again to see if you need to top up with a little more water. I top it up at least once during the time.
About half an hour before you want to eat, take the meat out of the oven and let it rest on a carving board.
Then take two forks and just shred the meat into a serving dish. It will totally fall away from the bone, there will be no carving involved! Scatter pomegranate seeds and mint on top and serve. What could be easier?
I hate to hurry you along but Ginger will be waiting for you, over at http://gingerslifeofspice.blogspot.com/ and you have quite a journey ahead of you, all the way to Canada. How lucky that Stansted Airport is just 20 minutes drive from here! Be sure to pop into World of Duty Free when you are there and see my son doing his weekend job in 'Wines and Spirits'!
A recap of all participants:
Drinks/AppetizersDeb @ PaperTurtle – http://paperturtle.blogspot.com
Rinda @ Gallo Organico – http://gallorganico.blogspot.com/
Beverly @ BE glorious - http://beglorious.blogspot.com/
Soups/SaladsAlison @ Life in the Slow Lane – http://alisonslife-in-the-slow-lane.blogspot.com/
Fiona @ Staring at the Sea – http://fiona-staringatthesea.blogspot.com/
Amy @ Over at our Place - http://overatourplace.blogspot.com/
DishesThe “Not So” Small One
@ From High in the Sky – http://fromhighinthesky.blogspot.com/
@ Scrappy Jacky - http://scrappyjackylive.blogspot.com/
Deb @ Deb’s World – http://debs14.blogspot.com/
Ginger @
Ginger’s Life of Spice - http://gingerslifeofspice.blogspot.com/
Karen @ Tales from the Scrapheap - http://talesfromthescrapheap.blogspot.com/
Karen @ Random Reflections - http://kbwalker.blogs.com/random_relfections/
Ruth @ Everyday Life of a Suburban SAHM - http://suburbansahm.blogspot.com/
DessertsStephanie @ La Dolce Vita - http://dreamingladolcevita.blogspot.com/
@ Chatty Crafty Arty Pig - http://chattycraftyartypig.blogspot.com/
Margaret @ Finnegan Begin Again – http://margaretfinnegan.blogspot.com/
Becca @ La Jolie Fleur Rouge - http://lajoliefleurrouge.blogspot.com/
Rhona @ Life in General - http://rhonacs-lifeingeneral.blogspot.com/
Cheri @ Scrap Dreams - http://cheriandrews.blogspot.com/
Carrie @ Rosalind Revival – http://www.rosalindrevival.com/
{dessert/drink wrap-around…}
will definitely be giving that recipe a try!
Delicious sounding recipe and don't you look glam!
I'm not a red meat eater myself, but I know this would go down very well with my husband.
Oh, Deb, leave it to you to have me smiling from ear to ear the whole time I was at your place. From the elegant photo of you (do you ever NOT look classy?) to the beautiful and yummy looking dish you prepared, to your ending comment about visiting your son at his job. I loved it! I'm headed to Ginger's now, but I'll be back for seconds later on.
{Thanks so much for participating in my blog hop today, sweet friend!}
Deb, you are looking magnificent! I did not grow up eating lamb but it was a special meal at the Chosen One's home as a child. Maybe once every year or two I roast a leg but this sounds so much yummier. Thanks for sharing this one, I'll definitely be trying it.
Your presentation is wonderful Deb - that dish is so pretty with the mint leaves and pomegranate
great photo - so welcoming. I'd forgotten about that devine recipe - thanks for the reminder
Oh now this looks good - will definitely try this one out. Your posts always make me smile - Thank you
This looks wonderful! Thanks for welcoming us to your home!
This is fantastic! I love lamb, and my mouth is watering! I think the pomegranate is the perfect touch :) Thank you so much for having us in your home Deb!
Love the picture of you - you look great and ready for this occasion! :) Thanks for coming to the party!
Deb, this looks delicious. I love lamb and don't cook it nearly as often as I should. I'm definitely going to try this! I love that picture of you too - a lovely welcome
This looks and sounds delicious,Deb....definately one to try [when I actually have a cooker again!!!].
Love this - especially since we often have lamb at Easter. I also love your picture! So fun to "see" everyone today. Off to Canada!
That looks like a meal that David would really like me to cook for him.
I love lamb Deb..have never thought to add pomegranate-another one to be 'pinned'! Thanks for the lovely welcome..lovely pic!
Alison xx
ooh i do like lamb and had it for my mother's day lunch last week, this recipe sounds yummy!
Deb, I have never cooked with pomegranates before, I've seen them thousands of time but never had quite the right recipe to try ... now I think I do! Lamb and mint is a wonderful combination and the idea of a slow cook is pretty much perfect if you ask me!
This sounds delicious! I love lamb and have very few recipes for it, so I'll be sure to try this one.
This sounds wonderful Deb and I do like your welcoming photo :) xx
My daughter keeps asking me to make lamb. Now I finally have a recipe. Fabulous.
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