Saturday 8 June 2013

Scavenging again

I was so excited when Rinda announced the subjects for the Scavenger Hunt recently and mentally tried to think of places that I could find the things on the list - and there are only a few that made me think 'where on earth am I going to find THAT?'.  But as we all know, the most unlikely things can turn up when you least expect it so cameras at the ready girls!
So I thought I would share the first 3 that I have captured

 Stained glass.  This is the frame of a mirror that we bought on a weekend away to the beautiful seaside town of Southwold.  I love the colours in the different types of glass and it's one of my favourite decorations in the home.
 Oh yes, the outside bench was not a problem at all, and it gives me chance to show that quilt again!  (Thank you for your kind comments on it.  The fabrics came from Pelenna Patchworks and I was so impressed with their service and quality of fabric)
 Now for a civic building, I wasn't sure which to choose.  You see our town is a town of two halves.  It is a really historic town, so a lot of the buildings look like this - which is the registry office.  You register births, marriages and deaths here and if you want a civil service for your wedding, this is the place you come!
But there is also a modern side to the town, and these are the Council offices.  Now, which photo should I choose for the scavenger hunt?  Decisions, decisions!
Is anyone else likely to put any of their pictures on Instagram?  I noticed that Amy had an adorable picture of someone fishing there this morning with the hashtag #summerscavengerhunt2013.  Should we choose the same if we decide to show any photos that way? Or should we each choose our own # title so Amy can keep hers seperate for herself?  What are your ideas?


scrappyjacky said...

Great catches....I have to say I prefer the registry office.

helena said...

great set - love the mirror and your quilt looks superb. I'm always torn between the historic and modern buildings too

Lou said...

a great start... i'd go for historic everytime x

Jane said...

historic for me too, great photos.

Sian said...

What a great start! I think I'd go for historic every time too

This West London Life said...

Historic, without question.

Maria Ontiveros said...

I love the comparison of the two. And thanks for the instagram idea. I'm going to post something about it today.

Sandie said...

Great shots Debs - I love historic too but the contrast is really interesting. But you may want to include the modern one if it adds variety to your other photos

Miriam said...

I like the contrast of the two buildings. Historic is so pretty, modern is very civic. I'm glad I don't have to choose.

Unknown said...

Great photos. You could join the two photos together and make one :-) But I love the older building the best. I am wracking my brain to see where I will find some of them.

beccaf1970 said...

You are off to a great start! I love the contrast between the old and new civic buildings!

Jo Murray said...

Good start...mine will have to wait a while. Love your glass.

BJ said...

The different buildings are such a contrast but it has got me thinking of what I could take now - thanks. BJ

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

I prefer the registry office personally. Congrats on getting off to a great start!

Alison said...

Looks like the Registry Office wins hands down!...great start Deb
Alson xx

alexa said...

I am another who likes your registry office! Great clutch of photos ...

Anonymous said...

Great start Deb. I love that mirror! I'm another who would go with the historic. The contrast is really quite something though isn't it?