Monday 16 July 2018

News on a Monday

I can't believe it; it's been a year since our daughter's wedding 

I love this photo of her, she looks so happy and it just about sums up the atmosphere of the wonderful day that we all had.  Look how little Leo looks in this next photo!

This year has flown by and I've just realised that there is some big news that I don't think I've shared on my blog - Leo is going to be a 'big brother'.  R is expecting another baby in December which is very exciting.

My retirement couldn't have come at a more convenient time eh?!


Patio Postcards said...

Congratulations! Very exciting news. I agree this last year has just flown by. I mentioned how quickly summer is going to a patient at the clinic & she said "I can't believe it's 2018, I'm still in prep mode for the millennium!" I laughed but I thought she's right.

Ruth said...

Well now, that's utterly fabulous news! Many congratulations!

Leslie Roberts Clingan said...

Wow, congratulations to all. The jury is still out but I maybe celebrating the same thing over here! My youngest has had a couple of positive pregnancy tests but it is almost too early to tell. We can baby shop virtually together.

Maggie said...

That's fabulous news and yes looks like you have retired at the right time!