Monday 1 April 2019

Me on Monday

"What's that?" I hear you say.
"Exercise leggings out on a Monday?"

Oh yes, this Monday will be finding me trying something new

A class full of sunshine, now there's a lovely thought.  Never tried yoga before so seeing as I am someone who does not have the best sense of balance or flexibility, this could be a challenge too far - wish me luck.

I don't think I'm going to continue with the Barre Fitness classes, so this would be a possible swap. I don't really think they are for me and also the timing isn't great as it's the day before my Zumba class and sometimes I wake on a Thursday to find some of my muscles are complaining about the exercises I did on Wednesday.  We will see.  I'll make a decision later.

It was Mothering Sunday here yesterday and I was lucky enough to spend it with my grandchildren, both human and furry.

The observant amongst you will notice that Coco has discarded her oven gloves for the photo (such a well trained dog, with a talent for cooking Sunday lunch it would seem) Rosie is holding on to her caterpillar toy with grim determination while her brother sneakily tries to snatch her spoon out of her hand.

We saw our son the day before so I had a weekend of family time which was lovely.  

Right!  Time I was lacing up my trainers and heading off for my class - come back next week to find out if I will be returning!


Patio Postcards said...

Lovely photo of you with all the grandchildren. We celebrated Mothering Sunday at church as we have a very large British membership - it was complete with every lady at church getting a flower & a slice of Simnel Cake.

I hope you like Yoga - oh that we had classes close again. Happy Week.

Ruth said...

That's a lovely photo!
I hope you enjoy yoga, it's something I fancy trying out.

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

Good luck with the yoga....I do think it takes doing it over and over a couple of times before you get in the swing of it. But it's so good to stretch our bodies!!
Jodie said...

I have been so impressed with your barre class workout but it just was too much for me. I was drenched in perspiration, hurt everywhere and felt so inadequate at it! Have participated in a couple of yoga classes and it is very different to me from the barre. Will be anxious to read your thoughts. We haven't even been in the gym much over the last week. Have to get back at it before the rust and arthritis set in.

Mothering Day? Not Mother's Day. Is it the same thing? Love the photo of the 4 of you. So glad Coco was invited to join you for the picture. You look so delightful and delighted. Having our babies around brings out the best in us I think.

alexa said...

Such a glowing photo! You all look happy to be together ... Wishing you luck with the yoga class - I keep meaning to start again.