Tuesday 1 September 2020

A sentence a day in August

Well, here we are at August, July saw a lot of little changes in our lives, what will August reveal?  Will we move forward, or will be have to rewind a little?  Let's see ...

Day 1 Went out to lunch to Pizza Express, and I almost forgot to take a photo to mark the occasion (which is why my pizza has a slice already eaten!)

 Day 2 Found a new pattern for a face mask, seems easy to make and doesn't take too much fabric - I can see that I will be making more of these!

Day 3  Dentist - nothing to be done so I practically skipped back to the car park.

Day 4 Leo and Rosie here - went over park in afternoon to feed the ducks and go to the playground

Day 5 Max here - his mummy has been making homemade strawberry jam so I happily took a jar home when I dropped him back home - yum!

Day 6 Zumba day - from September we can return to the hall (with limited numbers) - felt very down today, not sure why.

Day 7 Went to look for new armchairs in our lounge and managed to find exactly what we wanted in the first store we visited - it isn't often that happens is it?

Day 8 Oh Saturday you were very hot and humid, made a couple of face masks in the morning and in the afternoon Rachel came over with the children.  Crab and prosecco linguine for tea - perfect for an easy, light meal in the garden.

Day 9 Another hot day, another Sunday lunch eaten in the garden! Lamb kofta with tzatziki, a greek salad and couscous today.

Day 10 Went out for lunch with my sister and brother in law as the government is running an 'Eat Out to Help Out' scheme to get people back to restaurants and pubs and covering 50% of the cost of your food on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.  Thanks Boris!

Day 11 Leo slept over at our house last night and then we childminded him and Rosie all day - it was SO hot today too, I feel shattered!

Day 12 Took Max to the park to see the animals and he took quite a shine to the llamas, luckily it was all in the shade as the temperature was almost 40 degrees today

Day 13  I knew that temperature and humidity had gone too high, our heatwave came to an abrupt end and we had some pretty impressive thunderstorms with lots of rain.

Day 14 What a thunderstorm we had overnight - Paul and Coco got absolutely drenched on the early morning dog walk this morning!

Day 15 Our son and his wife had booked an anniversary meal in Cambridge, their first night out alone since October, but their babysitter (Sophie's sister) couldn't get to them after all (she's a midwife and was involved in an unexpected home birth!) and so we were happy to step in an babysit Max in the evening, an unexpected pleasure!

Day 16 What a wet and miserable Sunday (weather-wise) but nice to have a relaxing day at home catching up on chores.

Day 17 Realised that I could probably do with some more face coverings, so fired up the sewing machine

Day 18 Rosie and Leo were here all day and Nanny and Grandad are exhausted.  

Day 19 Today it was Max's turn for being here, he's just learned to walk and was happy to show off his new talent

Day 20 A day of socialising (at an appropriate distance!) Paul's cousin and partner popped over for a cup of tea in the afternoon, and we were invited to friends for drinks in the evening.

Day 21 Babysat for Leo and Rosie while Rachel and James went out with friends in London as an early birthday celebration for Rachel - almost got myself locked upstairs in their house as they have a new stairgate at the top of the stairs and no one explained to me how to unlock it once it was closed!

Day 22 Jon and Max popped over as Sophie was at her sister's baby shower, Max and I spent the afternoon together while Jon and Paul went out for a bike ride (incorporating two stops at country pubs which meant that they were gone 3 hours!)

Day 23 Rachel and family here for Sunday lunch as a pre-birthday dinner for her, first time they have been here for Sunday lunch since 1st March, ended up with extra visitors too when Jon's car had mechanical problems on their way to visit friends.

Day 24 Rachel's 34th birthday! Surely I'm too young to have a daughter that age? 

Day 25 Rosie and Leo here - stuck indoors as weather was awful and we tested our imagination by building a zoo and amusement park out of a cardboard box, wooden train track, a road layout, Duplo and a box of plastic animals.

Day 26 Had Max here for the day, went into town to pick up some carpet samples (is getting new carpet a good idea when we have under 5s here on a regular basis?)

Day 27 Ended up on a mercy mission to Hobbycraft when Rachel discovered that our local cake making shop no longer sells to the public and her plans for a superhero birthday cake for Leo seemed scuppered due to lack of red, black and yellow fondant icing in the supermarkets.

Day 28 Decision finally made on new carpet, samples returned to the shop - just need to sort out that decorating now.

Day 29 Leo's 4th birthday!  Our superhero loving boy had a super day, and what a fab cake his mummy made for him.
Happy birthday Leo!

Day 30 Today was designated 'start painting the fence panels' day; enthusiasm was waning by the time we got to the 3rd one and there's still 8 to go ...

Day 31 Determination sets in and all fence panel are now painted!

Ready for that video of my month?  Here it is thanks to 1 Second Everyday

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alexa said...

Oh my goodness, that looks like a very, very full month! Lots of social and family activity too ... I am envious you managed to get a dental appointment - ours is still functioning as an urgent care centre for the whole of the north of the county and there are no appointments available at all :(.

Patio Postcards said...

August was a very good month for you & the family. I enjoyed the video clips. Rachel can certainly design a fantastic cake - oh my, 4 years old already!

This West London Life said...

Crikey, that was a full on month! As lovely as it must be to be able to see your grandchildren again, you must be shattered!

Natasha said...

Congrats on finding chairs on the first try! And I'm so thankful we have talented friends who sew masks for us as that is a skill I do not possess. I am looking forward to cooler weather so we can eat outside on some days when it isn't too hot.

onceuponatimehappilyeverafter.com said...

Who would have guessed we would still be needing/wearing masks 9 months into this year?? I think I bought my first one in March, so have been wearing one since then. Goodness.

The fabric you have chosen for the masks you've made is lovely. I have purchased several from sewing friends but the fabric was not particularly to my liking. Was gifted a very bright tie-dyed one and a bold leopard mask but they are too busy. Have a little calico print that has become my favorite.

Childminding our littles is hard work!! I come home wiped out each day after 4 hours of babysitting M-F. Love the creative ways you find to entertain your loves.

Wildflower Adventures said...

Pizza is one of my all time favorite foods. Lots of fun with those Grands. Cute face masks. My Moma made everyone in the family one. Mine is red & white stripped. Hubby's is camo. I like your flower one. There has been 2 Covid cases in our county so not much mask wearing being done in my community.