Monday 5 June 2023

Me on a Monday

 Here we are at the start of another week.  

Last week wasn't too exciting and by the end of it I was becoming bored with being confined to home apart from dog walks.  It reminded me so much of being in lockdown, how on earth did we do that for so long?  So when a friend invited us over to have a take away at theirs on Saturday evening I was keen to go!  I figured that as long as I kept my distance and was sure they weren't coughing and sneezing it would be fine to go.  It was such a nice evening!

So this week holds a little more normality hopefully.  Still being cautious about mixing but just trying to be sensible.  I think if I venture out anywhere I shall resort to wearing a face mask, after all the Covid time no one will think it strange! We are thinking about going to Capel Manor Gardens one day so it will be outside and ticks the 'being careful' box.  

As you can imagine, the crochet project has grown nicely over the last week - which is handy as I seem to have ordered some wool to start something new which begins at the end of the month ;-)

Just the border to do now.

Today we have workmen in to remove the carpet from our conservatory and screed the floor ready for new flooring to be fitted on Wednesday.  This is a project which has been on the back burner for a couple of years now so will be great to have it actually done.  Our plans for gradually getting back into childcare (cautiously) have been scuppered by a message this morning to say that it looks like R may have chicken pox.  However we have had false alarms over this many times so we'll see what the next 24 hours brings!  Needless to say I will be keeping a very safe distance!


Patio Postcards said...

Your quilt is coming along ever so quickly. I really like the colours of this. Maybe on your visit to Capel Manor Gardens you'll be able to find some SPSH things on the list. I wonder if the flooring change will cascade into more decorating! Hopefully everyone in the family stays healthy.

This West London Life said...

I also think that your quilt is coming along beautifully. It's good to hear that you are able to be a little more sociable and you are right when you say that no one will notice/comment on you wearing a facemask. Enjoy the gardens!

Barbara Eads said...

You have completed your blanket in no time! Or at least it seem that way to me. I haven't touched my needlepoint in months! I really wanted to have it finished by Christmas. Not sure that will happen for this year. Glad to hear you are able to get out and about again!