Monday 19 June 2023

Me on Monday

 Monday again?  I must be getting older as time seems to be flying past!

We had our weekend plans scuppered, but it was a case of all's well that ends well.  As it was Father's Day on Sunday our daughter had invited us, and Jon and his family, for an afternoon of tea and cake as a grand opening of their extension and new garden.  When a WhatsApp message saying 'Sorry guys ...' came pinging in early on Sunday morning we guessed that something was not right and sure enough, within seconds the next part of the message came across '... Leo's woken up with chicken pox' What timing!  So Jon and his wife invited Paul and me to their house for a hastily rearranged lunch and then Rachel popped over to ours to see Paul later on when we were back home. 

It was our local carnival on Saturday so we popped into town to see what was going on.  It was SO hot!  Not to mention very crowded so we didn't stay long but I know how much goes into organising local events so try to support where we can.  

Apologies to anyone whose blog I normally comment upon who may have noticed my absence but we were without a computer for a few days.  A few weeks ago our toaster short circuited in the kitchen which blew the fuses for all the wall sockets in the house.  It looks like it caused a power surge through the hard drive of the computer and ever since it was running incredibly slow and wouldn't load some pages.  After considering replacing it as it is now over 10 years old we decided to ask our favourite local computer whizz if there was anything he could suggest.  After all, have you seen the price of a new iMac?  Fortunately he has been able to install a new drive, tidy everything up and it is back running nicely again. For a very small fraction of the price of a new machine!  Plus we are of the opinion that it is better to repair than replace if at all possible.  

Last Tuesday we went to Saffron Walden and on our way back to the car park we came across a local celebrity being filmed.  I walked straight past them, oblivious to who it was and it wasn't until Paul said 'did you see ...' that I had to have a second look.  You would have thought that walking past a group of television cameramen would have tipped me off that something was going on wouldn't you?  All I can say in my defence is that they look a lot different in the flesh to how they look on tv.  Who was it?  You will have to wait until my round up of the month to find out!

We had a week of wall to wall sunshine and enjoyed spending time in the garden tidying up and pruning back shrubs which had flowered. Our peony has been gorgeous this year, with blooms the size of my hand

Guess what?  I've finished the blanket I was making!  

Let me assure you, when the temperature is almost 30 degrees, the thought of working on a crochet blanket is a bit overwhelming but with a new pattern starting on Thursday I had an incentive to get it done 😀 

Hopefully I will be starting the week catching up on all the blog reading I would normally have done!  After which it will be time to go to a local pub to meet three ladies that I used to work with - needless to say we will definitely be putting the world to rights over lunch and proudly swapping photos of grandchildren!

How are your plans for the week ahead?


Patio Postcards said...

How disappointing not to see the big reveal at Rachel's. Nice that you could easily change up & go to your son's place for lunch. You have a beautiful peony in your garden, such a lovely shade of pink. Computers and/or software acting up has such big impacts to us - glad you were able to resolve yours with less cost. :)

This West London Life said...

Chicken Pox - the scourge of many a family gathering! Sorry to hear about the trouble with your laptop, but good that it was sorted quickly and (relatively) cheaply. Your blanket looks fabulous! And now I'm wondering who the local celebrity was ... :)

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Oh no. Not chicken pox. I'm glad Paul got to see both your children on Sunday and hope you all had a lovely time. Your blanket looks amazing and I know what you mean about crocheting a blanket in the heat!! I haven't done any of mine for a few weeks now. Hope you had a nice lunch with the ladies x

Susanne said...

Glad your computer problems were able to be solved without much expense, because getting used to a new machine is far, far worse than the price I always find. Hope the little one is over his pox.

Barbara Eads said...

I'm ashamed to say that I am definitely addicted to my computer. It contains my whole life! Being without it is frightening to me. I always worry if something will be lost. But then, there is that elusive cloud...I, too am a Mac user. I'm pretty sure I have a few more years before I have to consider a replacement. I love your blanket. The colors are just stunning. I've enjoyed sharing your progress along the way. I have a Christmas needlepoint that is nearly finished. I haven't worked on it in months and can't seem to muster the interest to just get it done!