Monday 12 July 2010

Text boxes

My heart sank a little bit when I saw prompt 6. I don't have photoshop and I wondered how I would manage to work my way around this one. And then I had a 'light bulb' moment - my new toy - Picasa! I'm sure I had seen an icon for text on one of the pages and sure enough, there it was. I found a picture that I took in June with a decent amount of sky crying out to have text written across it and voila! Actually it wasn't quite 'voila'. There was an awful lot of 'which font looks good on it?' Too boring. Too elaborate. Too overpowering. And then which colour to choose and which size. So what that dinner was half an hour late, I was experimenting on something much more important. But it was fun and I like the effect that it gives. The tag that I have used was bought ages ago. Bought and then stored safely somewhere, never to see the light of day. But I came across it today and it went well with the overall beachy, holiday feel of the page.


humel said...

lol! I know the feeling - I have soooo many fonts, and I have to go through each one, trying for *exactly* the right one! Looks like you found the right match here, and I love that tag xx

Denise said...

Blimey, I'd better get cracking ! Love it :-)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Great job stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new.

Liberty :) said...

what a lovely page!! I do faff around a lot with digi but so worth it!

Abi said...

This is really lovely. Picasa is great isn't it?! The page compliments the picture so well. Abi xxx

This West London Life said...

Picasa is great, isn't it? I don't have any other editing software, either, and I often glaze over when people mention PSE and the like! I really like the finished effect.