Monday 2 January 2017

Memorandum Monday 2017

I've kind of got into the habit of blogging on a Monday as part of Sian's Memorandum Monday and I'm not sure if that is continuing into the new year but I'm here anyway!

Not that there's been much new happening around here, in fact it's quite the opposite - continuing the normal post Christmas activities.  Today is the day I've earmarked for taking down the Christmas decorations.  There goes my excuse for not dusting regularly!  As I'm looking around the house I realise that my favourite parts of the decorations this year were the more simple ones

and whilst I'm not planning any New Year resolutions, I do have a New Year intention, and that is to try and make things more simple in a general way.  I guess I'm planning to embrace my inner 'Hygge' - I know it's a bit of a buzz word at the moment but it's true that we should make the most of the little things that we take for granted a lot of the time.  And just to take time.  I'm sure I make life more busy than it needs to be sometimes.  A little more forward planning may be in order.

I'm sure I'm not alone in having been bombarded with emails from companies I've bought through on line this year, amazing discounts and bargains and I must admit to being guilty of having clicked on some of their links to see what wonderful things I need to buy in the sales.  And here's the thing.  I don't need to buy anything.  It's always nice to have a few new bits and pieces in the wardrobe, but I don't desperately need anything.  I'm planning on waiting a week or so until things calm down and then if I go into town, and I go into a shop and I see something I really like, and it's in my size, and it really is a bargain, then it's meant to be and I may buy it.  But if one thing comes into the wardrobe, one thing has to go.

I'm really happy to be able to say that as of now, I do not work on Mondays anymore!  I've been wanting to cut my hours for a while now and due to someone else part time leaving, I was able to ask for my Monday hours to be tacked onto their new job description and for me to only work Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday mornings.  It's all part of my master plan to retire at 60.  My line manager doesn't seem to think I'm serious but I am.  And now we are in the new year, I can say that 60 will be next year! 😊

My other intention is to get back into the blogging habit more often.  I've become very lax about that this year and I want to get the blogging mojo back, because the blogosphere is full of lovely people.  This year is going to be so busy, I know it already.  Two weddings to plan and more to the point, two wedding outfits to buy!  Any recommendations on where to start looking for Mother of the Bride outfits will be most gratefully received because as soon as the sales are over, I'm going to be a mother on a mission!

Happy New Year to everyone and thank you for your kind comments over the past year.  I wish everyone good health and happiness with time to relax and take care of ourselves, not just everyone else.  OK 2017, let's see what you've got in store ...


helena said...

I've bee taking my decorations down today too, and like you was most pleased with the simpler bits. An extra day on your weekend will be lovely and nice to be able to work down to full retirement. have a great week

Patio Postcards said...

I like your simple Christmas decorations & I couldn't agree with you more than about trying to make our lives simpler, I have asked myself repeatedly throughout the year, do I really need that, how will it make me happy/happier. I hate to dust so adding things was an easy decision not to.

Shopping for some dress up clothes - oh what fun.

Happy New Year Deb.

Sian said...

I was going to take my decorations down today, but..

I've loved having you along memo-ing over 2016. I always look forward to your posts. Honestly, if it hadn't been for you and a handful of other regulars I probably would have given up long ago, so thank you for keeping me going. Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!

Jane said...

Happy new year to you and your family. I've been thinking of simplifying things too, we all have far too much.

alexa said...

That sounds wonderful, having Monday's off and a bit more time in your week. And as I always enjoy your Monday posts, I am sure I'll enjoy even more posts when they arrive :). That's a very pretty montage you have there ... I'm a fan of simplicity and having only what one needs too. Here's to more Hygge for us all!

Ruth said...

The Boy Child and I are packing away Christmas today (well, I am ...). I hope you enjoy working less hours.
And what an exciting year ahead for you, two weddings!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Hooray for Mondays off and an extended weekend. I took the decorations down on Monday. A bit early for me, but the tree lights had stopped working. How wonderful to have those two weddings to look forward to. A great place for Mother of the Bride outfits is a lovely shop owned by a friend's stepmum. Might be a little too far for you to travel (Somerset) but can send you details if you like. A good excuse to put one of those long weekends to use and make a little trip perhaps?

Cheri said...

Just wanted to pop in and say I'm playing catch-up and I do hope you have a happy Hygge-filled year and put those free Mondays to good use! I too am seriously wanting to get my blogging groove back - I've missed it so much! Still crazy busy at work, but I'm hoping that life soon calms to a dull roar so I can spend some time searching for my mojo...