Friday 20 September 2019

Back to earth with a bump

Oh boy, have we been busy since we returned from Croatia.  Holiday?  What holiday?

Rachel's first day back at work after maternity leave was the day after we returned and guess what?  That was the day that her childminder went away on holiday.  Yes.  You know what that means?  Plan B childminding (Nanny and Grandad) comes into play.  So we have had to devise a new routine because big brother Leo turned 3 at the end of August so now goes to Nursery at the local school every morning from 8.30 - 11.15.  Rachel dropped him off in the morning so we just had to remember to go and pick him up!  Actually the timings coincided nicely with Rosie's mid morning nap so we tried to walk there and back rather than take the car then Leo could ride home on the buggy board.  Who invented these and why didn't they have them when my kids were little?  Such a good idea.

Just look at him in his little uniform - what a big boy!  Lunchtimes were 'interesting' as Rosie has reached the weaning age of getting hands on with her food and things can get a little messy.  Please note the optimistic dog in the bottom right of the picture lurking beneath the high chair waiting for all the bits that got thrown over the side!

So that was Wednesday and Thursday taken care of, then we had friends over for drinks on Friday and another couple over for an Indian take away on Saturday.  Sunday we had the whole family over for Sunday lunch - from Great Grandma aged 92 and 3/4 down to baby Max at 7 weeks.  We may need to get a bigger table!

Another new thing for Rosie is that she goes to a Baby Sensory class and it was Tellytubby week this week so on Tuesday we had fun singing and dancing to colour related songs and games.  The session ended with the lights being turned low and then the teacher lit some fabulous coloured strands that the babies were able to crawl amongst.

So this meant that Grandad was left at home to keep an eye on Leo.  I'm not sure how they managed to make so much mess in the garden in just one hour

The beginning of Autumn means the trees near us are full of conkers.  What little boy doesn't enjoy breaking open that prickly casing and collecting as many conkers as they can? Leo however decided that once we got home they needed a wash.

Which then meant that my downstairs toilet floor got a good wash too.  And Leo needed a dry t shirt, and socks ... but he was so happy messing about in the sink it was worth the bit of mess that he caused!

After 8 hours of childminding, Nanny and Grandad collapsed in an armchair and it was lovely to have some relaxing knitting to do before falling asleep 'watching' Celebrity Masterchef!  Chevron blanket is finished!  I really enjoyed making this and the pattern really was easier than it looked at first.  If anyone is thinking of making something like this, let me know and I'll show you the website where I downloaded the pattern.

It's finally Friday!  I have four days off until the next bout of childcare - just time to relax and recharge those batteries!  Have a good weekend folks x


Patio Postcards said...

You have been busy. It is amazing the amount of energy these little ones have & generate. I hope it's a good weekend with lots of sunny afternoon naps thrown in.

This West London Life said...

Phew, I feel exhausted just reading that lot! said...

Now you need another holiday!! I only help with my 3 year old grand, Lucia, for about 90 minutes 5 days a week but it has turned my schedule and routine on its ear. If I continue to do this now that her daddy has finally been able to move to El Paso, I am going to need at least one morning 'off duty' through the week to just get things done at home. But these doll babies bring such joy to our lives. Even PC is ear-to-ear grins when Cia is around.

Your babies are precious. Loved the back yard mischief the boys got into while you were gone. And that little buggy board is genius. Have never seen a buggy with one. Might need to investigate before Cia's sister arrives.