This is a rare picture of my sister and me with our parents where we are all looking at the camera and all smiling nicely! My dad, in particular, hated having his photo taken but this is a lovely photo of him. There is a restaurant near us that used to do the most delicious Sunday roast lunch. The meat would be brought to your table under huge silver domed platters and the chef would carve it at your table. So for birthdays, we would go there for a family lunch even after Gill and I were married and had left home. My dad died in 1989 and my mum died in 1997 and so pictures like this are really treasured memories and this just HAD to be included in my family album. Even though my hair resembles a freshly made birds nest.
And so onto another happy family event. My daughter's graduation. I know I've made a page of her shaking hands with Robert Winston before but a family album needs to include momentous events so I make no excuses for duplicating photos! The smaller photos show us as a family - we only had 2 tickets for the ceremony so our son who is at uni in Sheffield at the moment, came to join us afterwards which explains why we look dressed up to the nines and he looks like a scruffy student who's come straight from a lecture. Because, um, that's what happened! The other picture is of our daughter and some of her class throwing their mortar boards up in the air - a classic graduation pose!
Fantastic layouts! I love how there are just enough pictures on each layout to tell the story - sometimes one for two pages; sometimes many.
What a great job,
Deb, these are so fab! What a lovely album :-)
Love these pages....this will be so full of wonderful memories when it's finished.
Deb this is a fantstic album :-)
Great pages Deb, I love the size too.
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