The front cover is pretty plain and simple, just the letter 'd' for Deb. That's me. So now let's move left to right ...
Then we have a picture of a cup cake. This is the kind of thing I consider a treat!
The next photo is of the desk in my study which is wear I do my scrapbooking. Ok. Ok. Don't look too closely at this one, it's there to show you how messy I am!
The next two pages show the new Jamie Oliver cook book and on the facing page is a pocket with a tag in it that explains how I love to buy new cook books. I have dozens!
My first quote is 'The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra'.
Then we have a picture of a beach. If I had a free afternoon - this is where I would love to spend a few hours. Just walking barefoot on the sand and if the sea is warm enough, maybe a little paddle in the shallow water.
We try to get over to my sister's holiday home in Portugal at least once a year, and the next picture is the view from the roof terrace. Let's just say I'll be seeing that view again next week - woohoo!!!
Did you ever wonder what kind of jewellry I like? Well, let's go shopping one day, we'll go to Links of London and maybe pop into Thomas Sabo to buy some new charms for my bracelet.
Favourite colours? Just look at the lovely pinks and lilacs in this bunch of flowers. Perfect.
Wow - we're half way through. Time to turn over the minibook and see the next side.
'Live for today. Learn from yesterday. Hope for tomorrow' A good quote I think.
The first scrapbook class I ever took was online at and I like to think I've learnt a lot and improved since then. So I couldn't make a book about me without including a photo of me with the lady responsible could I?
I spend half my week at work so the next page is a picture of the school crest with the motto 'Sic itur ad astra' Reach for the stars.
Oh Hotel Chocolat. How I love your goodies. How weak I am in your presence. Even the sight of this photo makes me want to eat some chocolatey loveliness.
How cute is my little penguin? I had a phase of collecting penguin bits and bobs and this is my cutest one.
The page with the flower on is there as it shows how I am never happy with a page unless it has a bit of glitter, a flower or a butterfly on it.
The three little words that describe me are hidden under the flap of the page opposite the page of me in my favourite part of the house - the conservatory.
Phew! That's it. Now you know me inside out. Ready for some more? Who's next on the list of people? That would be Amy. Hang on a minute, we'll need our passports! I'll just get my handbag and I'll come along with you, I've always wanted to find out more about her!
Deb, this is so fantastic! Again, just like Denise, you have filled your project with so much detail - it is so fantastic :-) Lovely to learn more about you Deborah :-)
Oh another amazing detailed and gorgeously planned book. Thanks so much for sharing Deb. Love the photos so beautiful. Hugs Cherry XXX
Lovely Denise & so detailed!! The attention to detail puts mine to shame!! xx
Enjoyed the way you described your book - and the book itself looks wonderful.
Love it, Deb :-) It's great to get to know you better! And to spot a few things we have in common: cupcakes, chocolate, cookbooks, messy desks... xx
Love the way you've done this, much detail clearly portraying you.
Funny how cupcakes link so many of us!
If you're worried about the bees....don't be.....they're all living in our garden....please collect at any time!!
I love the way as always you have described your pages and I never knew you collected pengiuns!I can also definitely confirm it is so 'you',and yep, messy desk is something we definitley have in common ! xxx
love you mini and it is fab finding out about you and all the other fab ladies involved.
Great blog
This really gives us a good picture of you. Lovely.
Deb, it looks great!
So much amazing detail! I love it!
Hooray, Deb. I love your project and it was fun to learn more about you in the process! I feel so happy after reading your post. Well done to a gal with a great name. ;o)
Oh, wow! I love this one too! You have put in so many little details and I love the outside shots with that very welcome splash of green:). A really beautiful project.
Lovely to get to know you Deb! Thanks for playing along!
Awesome job!!!!!!!
Another book packed full of information all about you. Love how you have photographed it outdoors.
Beautiful mini Deb - love the quotes.
Fabulous and so full of information. Love the way your photgraphed it outside :0)
Fabulous! I especially like your discussion of bees - fun facts about you!
I love this... so many bits of detail... that chocolate photo had me salivating... must go get some now. :)
Lovely little book Deb lovely to know that little bit more about you x
wow so much detail I am really enjoying getting to 'know' everyone on this blog hop
Deb, this is just wonderful. I enjoyed learning about you. The photography in your book is wonderful. I especially love the photo of the houses on the beach.
ah chocolate and cupcakes yummy. i too have alot to thank shimelle for and spent this weekend doing a class with her in hampshire. luz is next village to where my aunt and uncle live in figueira. have a g8 hol. see u online when u get back
Jo xxx
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