Monday 2 August 2010

Island hop

I strongly suspect that by the time this post publishes, I will have visited Capri . The boat over there leaves from Sorrento and takes just under an hour.
Although my husband hasn't been to this area before, I have. I used to work for a holiday company called OSL which sold villa and apartment holidays. It was here that I met my friend Denise, who married a friend of my husband's and we have now been friends for over 30 years! She is the person who introduced me to scrapbooking so has much to answer for! Part of my job at OSL involved going on 'Educational trips' to look round the properties that we were renting out and one of my educationals was to this area. We had a wonderful week touring around the Amalfi coast and ended up visiting Sorrento/Capri one day.
We were supposed to also be visiting some luxury villas up in the hills along narrow tortuous roads and the manager of the office there could not possibly let 'the English ladies' do such a journey on their own. He insisted that he drove us there personally. It was a bit hair raising, steep narrow roads with few passing places, hairpin bends, Italian drivers ...... so we were grateful for his offer. There were a few moments where we just closed our eyes and trusted him to get us there safely and it was good to get back to where we were staying that night. We went out for a meal with the other office staff in the evening and they asked how we got on with driving ourselves on those roads. When we told them that the manager had done the driving they were horrified. He had a heart condition and was not supposed to drive ......


Jennifer Grace said...

Oh dear, how worrying! Good job you didn't find out when you were halfway on your journey though! Hope you're having a good time xx

humel said...

lol!! I hope you didn't end up with a heart condition after that...

I remember Capri fondly :-) I remember having to climb lots of steps with rather less fondness, but it's a beautiful place. Sadly the weather wasn't good enough for us to visit the Blue Grotto though, hope you managed it xx

Sian said...

Hehe. Good story! The Tall One spent a day on Capri as part of his school trip at Easter and he keeps telling us why we need to go back.

Scrappi Sandi said...

I'm loving that story...what a gentleman he was!!! i do hope your travel, this time round, is a little less hair raising!!

This West London Life said...

Capri is beautiful! I went in October a few years ago, the Bay was very rough and I was seasick on the way out and on the return! :(