Thursday 10 February 2011

Men in uniform

Back in the late 70s I became a huge fan of Tom Selleck.  He was Magnum PI and in my opinion - just gorgeous.  My friend Denise shared my opinion and we have been loyal followers ever since.  With his film roles in 3 Men and a Baby, and TV appearances in Friends (where he looked particularly gorgeous).
Now Denise has been taunting me lately, as he is in a new series that has come over from the States.  Blue Bloods.  Turns out that it is ONLY available on Sky Atlantic over here.  Needless to say, we have digital TV at home, but we subscribe to Virgin Media.  Denise has Sky.  Say no more.
Apparently it's very good.  Apparently he looks magnificent in uniform.  Apparently he looks every bit as good as he did in Friends.  I say 'apparently' as I have only Denise's word to go on as - I can't see the programme :-( 
But a couple of weeks ago, the company that installs the advertising hoardings at bus stops locally changed the poster in the bus shelter right by my house.  And guess what poster they put up in it's place?

We do look rather good together don't we?


Denise said...

I have to admit you do make a nice couple :-( - wish we had a poster over would be enough to get me to walk to work every day -sigh...I'll just have to watch my recording(s) again ......xx

scrappyjacky said...

You certainly do look good together....I was a big fan of Magnum as well.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh you know me - a softie for a man in uniform!

Cheri said...

Can Denise share the recordings with you? Or maybe you could go to her house and have a Blue Bloods marathon?

I have seen a few episodes and Tom does look as good as ever. And yes, you two make a cute couple!

Beverly said...

Agreed Tome Selleck has always been hot but I have always been fond of his voice. Fortunately I am in the States and dh and I have this on our DVR list so we don't miss an episode. It's a really good series :)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Too funny - I finally checked out the show b/c you two keep nattering on about it (LOL!). It's on something called "on demand" here. I thought it was okay. I fondly remember, but agree that he looked best in Friends.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Ah-ha-ha... I love this. He is a great looking guy, isn't he. LOVE the photo of you next to his poster. Classic. :o)

This West London Life said...

Made for each other, I'd say. You're not the only one who doesn't have Sky ...

Sian said...

No Sky here either. The cricket fans aren't too happy about that.

Great picture!