Over the years I have had more than a few hairstyles. Some more tasteful than others. Some suited me more than others. As I entered my teens, gingerness became auburn and I gradually grew to like my hair colour. Which is kind of ironic as now it has grey invading at an increasing rate I am paying good money to get as much red back as possible! I shudder when I remember the wash and go perms of the 80s when I resembled a badly groomed poodle, and I wonder what I was thinking of when I decided to have a very short haircut which I realised was a disaster as soon as I got out of the salon chair and made my way tearfully home.
It's funny how a celebrity can have a new haircut and it becomes so popular that you only have to go into a hairdresser's and say 'Rachel from Friends' and they know exactly what you mean. Nowadays I guess it's 'Cheryl Cole' extensions or the 'Posh Bob' or whatever.
So when I went into the hairdressers before going to my work's annual Christmas Dinner and Dance in about 1978, I must have mumbled something about Joanna Lumley's Purdy hairstyle. As I can find no other reason how I left the house with this kind of fringe going on .....

Brilliant photo! (I'm loving that 3 piece suit too). I was never allowed to get my hair permed as a teenager. I think my mum had decided that I needed saving from myself!
Looking good, my dear! xx Do we get to see any of the others? Sounds like a scrapbook layout in the making!
I had a perm as a teenager (to help me through the in-between stage when I was growing out my hair from a fairly short style), but it didn't actually look too awful; must hunt out a photo! It was more loose curl than poodle, I think that's the secret :-)
Oh, and red hair ROCKS! ;-)
Oh my. I think I was well into my 30's before I came to peace with my hair. Now I watch dd Clara go through the same struggle; at least I'm compassionate!
Oh dear....you've now reminded me of the dreadful perms I had....though they looked even worse on Kevin Keegan!!!
I definately remember the hairstyle in your photo....that's a great 70s photo.
I LOVE this photo and so remember those hairdos and clothes,and Mr K looks very much like a filmstar :-0
I was thinking you looked pretty snazzy :-)
Brilliant photo Deb, will this be one of your 22? ;)
I love reading your reminiscence posts!! I find I can always relate & this one was no different!! I'm with Mel inasmuch as I can feel a whole Hair LO coming on!!!!!
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