Monday, 10 February 2025

Me on Monday

What a week we had last week! Jammed to the rafters with medical matters. I had my CT scan, my son had an ultrasound scan and daughter had an operation on her nose. By Friday I was a nervous wreck.  My son had immediate good news from his scan, my daughter’s op was a success and my experience wasn’t as traumatic as I thought it was going to be. My elbows are a rainbow of colours where they inserted the cannula for the contrast dye, unsuccessfully in my left arm then awkwardly in my right! Not sure when I’ll hear the outcome.

I bought two items this week, a pair of hand weights for Pilates and a car 😊 My new Mini is ordered and should be here end of March. It’s good to have gone through all the options and chosen colours and specifications, even though it’s only 3 years since I got my current model the design and interior have change dramatically so I will need a long time at handover to go through all the new services! 

My knit and natter group met up on Friday and yes I am STILL making my blanket

The end is in sight but it’s quite a size and weight to work on now, which is actually quite nice on a chilly winter evening!

Do you have plans for Valentine’s Day? I think we will just cook a nice meal in the evening, we are still in our February hibernation mode. I am so looking forward to warmer, drier weather and for the nights to stay lighter for longer.  I hope that whatever your plans are, you have a good week ahead 😊

Monday, 3 February 2025

Me on a February Monday

 Happy February!

It’s so lovely to see small glimpses of plants emerging from the soil

On our morning dog walk over the park on Sunday the ground had a heavy frost upon it but the sun was shining and you could see steam rising from the wood as we walked across the bridge

So this first Monday in February finds me ready for my Pilates class. We are using weights today apparently but as I don’t have hand weights I will be using tinned tomatoes 😆 I shall wait to see how I get on before investing in the proper equipment!

Anxiety levels are high as I have my CT scan tomorrow; I have to keep telling myself that by this time tomorrow it will be nearly over and worrying about it isn’t going to help in any way at all. Quite the opposite in fact.

I am returning to the Mini garage later today to sign the papers for my new car so that is something to look forward to. Minis are such lovely cars to drive, I think this will be my fifth! The one I have at the moment is in desperate need of a wash but I am a fair weather car washer and it’s easy to find a reason not to get the buckets and sponges out!

Have a good week x

Friday, 31 January 2025

#WBOYC January

 Joining in with my namesake in Australia over at Deb's World for the first What's Been On Your Calendar post of the year.

I'm trying out a new way of recording things which may, or may not, continue!  A change is as good as a rest eh?

Watching and reading

It's the time of year when I tend to hibernate and stay home more than go out so I have been able to watch a few series on TV.  I really enjoyed Playing Nice which made me feel so anxious and very cross at times.  Imagine being told that your toddler son is not your child - that you brought the wrong baby home from hospital and now his birth parents want him back.  Oh boy.  I've also been enjoying Patience.  She is a self taught detective working in the police records department.  Her autistic mind means that she sees patterns and characteristics in cases that everyone else has overlooked.  It really is a lovely programme.  I've already documented the books I read this month in this blog post here.


Our son and daughter in law have arranged for us to have a monthly delivery of spices and recipe cards to experiment a bit with Indian cookery.  Our first attempt was really delicious and something I would never have tried before.  We haven't been out to eat this month, but do have friends coming over this evening for a take away meal.  You see, I really do hibernate in the winter!

Self care

There's been a hair cut and a manicure this month which always make you feel nice.  I'm still going to my Zumba class, it really makes you feel good to dance for an hour! I also started attending a Fitness Pilates class which has made me realise that there are a lot of muscles that I have been neglecting.  It is difficult at times but my balance is definitely improving even if my flexibility isn't!  Still, it's only three weeks in so hopefully things will get better.  

I do have a health worry though which is ironic as I had been congratulating myself on feeling really well with my new exercise regime.  Following my annual blood test they decided I needed to start statins.  A follow up blood test after a couple of months showed elevated results in two of the liver function tests.  A third test showed even higher levels despite everything else being absolutely normal.  So I am off the statins to see if they have totally disrupted things and now booked in for a liver scan.  This is not good for someone who is naturally anxious.  However, my cholesterol level has gone nicely low so they did their job there!

Days Out

No days out - the weather really hasn't been suitable for that, but we have booked a long weekend away in May.  We are taking Coco and going to an Airbnb in a village called Wells-next-the-sea in Norfolk. 

Here is the month, 1 Second Everyday

Be sure to pop over to Deb to see how an Australian January turns out.

Monday, 27 January 2025

It's been a while!

 I seem to have got out the habit of Me on Monday -it seems like once you break a routine it's hard to get back into it.

I'm blaming it on the exercise class I signed up for.  I now go to a Fitness Pilates class on a Monday morning and I need to get in a 'write in advance and schedule a post'.  So after everyone raving about how good Pilates is for your posture and core strength I convinced my slightly reluctant friend to join me in a trial class.  After we had both realised that we were less fit than we thought we were, we signed up for a term.  I spend the first third of the class enjoying the stretches, a third thinking that I probably won't be signing up for another term and the last portion enjoying the cool down stretches.  So basically it seems I like stretching ;-) It's harder work than I thought it was and I have less core strength than I mislead myself to believe.  Onwards and upwards!

I'm returning to the car salesroom on Thursday to make a final decision on my new car, I think the electric version is just too much out of my price range even without the cost of installing a charger - plus I still have my reservations about it so as I'm not 100% convinced I will stick with the petrol version.

We haven't really been anywhere or done anything as the weather has been 'stay at home and keep warm and dry'.  We haven't had the horrendous storms that the North and West have had but it really hasn't been conducive to going out unless you have to.

Talking of going out into the rain and wind - it's time to go to Pilates!

Have a good week.

Monday, 20 January 2025

My book list in January

 I started the year with the book that was runner up in the online book club run by Leslie.  

I have read a few of Rosamunde Pilcher's books and knew that I was likely to enjoy this one.  I wasn't able to get hold of the book that claimed first position in the book club voting but I was happy to download The Winter Solstice in its place.

Our introduction to the characters in the book start with Elfrida, who has recently moved to a small village in Hampshire following the death of her partner.  She soon finds friendship, particularly with the Blundell family where she grows particularly close to Oscar and his daughter.  She decides to visit a 'long lost' family member who has moved to the depths of Cornwall, starting his new family far away from his first wife.  She spends a wonderful few weeks there, relishing in the comfort of their welcoming family but on her return to home she discovers that there has been a tragic accident and the whole rhythm of her days and social life has been torn apart.  

In an effort to comfort and support Oscar in his time of grief, she accompanies him to Scotland, to a house which he had inherited many years before but which had been rented out so Oscar had never actually lived in it.

We then start to be introduced to various other characters and you wonder how on earth these people could possibly be linked.  That is the talent of Rosamunde Pilcher; she draws you into people's lives and then suddenly things fall into place and you imagine how it is possibly going to pan out.

This book was perfect for reading over the Christmas/New Year period as that is exactly the time of year that is the setting for the story.  I was transported to the wintery wilds of Scotland and could easily imagine myself living in such a lovely place, close to the sea yet within easy walking distance of a quaint village with a real sense of community.

I really enjoyed this book, loved every character (except for Lucy's mother and grandmother!) and was very happy with how things turned out in the end.


I was able to easily find January's Online Book Club winner this month and I knew that even if it didn't win the vote, it was something I wanted to read anyway!

Every year, on her daughter's birthday, Sally buys a new book to add to a special selection and writes a dedication on the front page.  But Ella is unaware of this, having been living in Australia for most of her adult life with little contact with her mum.  

One day Ella receives a call from a concerned neighbour in England telling her that her mother has had an serious accident and will be unable to live unaccompanied until her injuries have healed.  It is obvious that Ella will have to return home to care for Sally and she begrudgingly packs to return to the home she left on bad terms many years before.

After she collects Sally from hospital she sets about investigating which repairs need to be made to the house after the major flood which caused the accident.  The worst affected room is unlike any of the rooms she remembered from her childhood there.  It had been beautifully decorated with tasteful furniture and what was once a well stocked book case.  But the damage to all these precious books has been awful with all the heartfelt messages written by Sally washed away in the flood.

As the days pass Ella realises that the opinion she had of her mother is not correct, as she left home while still a teenager her opinions are that of a moody, emotional girl and she has to reevaluate her feelings as she learns the truth about what happened before she emigrated to Australia.

I really enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it.

My next book was a Christmas present.  I'd seen it reviewed on the tv show Between the Covers where it received good reviews and thought it sounded good.

Edward in a man living between the world he actually lives in and the one in which he would like to inhabit.  In an effort to befriend a 'better class' of person he ingratiates his way into their world by doing their more menial tasks.  He is in love with Stanza who he feels is well out of his league and is distraught when he discovers that she is in a relationship with another of his 'friends', Robert.  

This makes him more determined not to lose the life he dreams of and things take a darker turn when Robert asks him to help him get rid of a problem which could ruin his prosperous life.  This book has been likened to Patricia Highsmith's Talented Mr Ripley and it is easy to see why!

There was a point about half way through the book when I was seriously considering not finishing it. In fact I did actually miss a whole chapter when things became very sinister.  But as it had received such good reviews I stuck with it and after that the pace picked up and I became involved in the storyline again.

One of my most favourite books and films is The Talented Mr Ripley and although it is easy to see why this book is said to be comparable it does not, in my opinion, match the very high bar set by Patricia Highsmith.  Overall I think is this a 3* rating from me and I'm not sure it's a book I would really recommend.

That's it for this month!

Monday, 6 January 2025

Me on Monday

It's been a while since I wrote a blog post and we've had a whole Christmas and the start of a new year in that time.  The decorations came down last Thursday, it's never as much fun dismantling the tree as it is making it pretty but it is nice to have a proper clean around and get things back to normal.  The hallway looked so drab without the decorations I had on the table so a nice vase of daffodils were needed to cheer the house up a little.

The temperatures have dropped since I last blogged.  In fact we woke on Sunday to find a light layer of snow. 

We got off very lightly compared to the north of the UK! Whilst temperatures are probably about where they should be at this time of year, it was so mild in December that it's been a bit of a shock to the system.   Which will make it harder to do what I plan to do this morning.  I mean who wants to take most of their clothes off in a hall when it's almost freezing outside?  I have booked myself onto a fitness pilates class at our local community centre and have also convinced a reluctant friend that she would enjoy it too!  I think I need to physically move myself out of reach of the chocolate tin to keep to my intention not to keep snacking when I am not hungry.

This week sees our routines returning to normal, and I really do need to stay focussed on what day of the week it is - over the Christmas and New Year period each day ran into the next and I had to really think about what day it was, it felt like one very long weekend.  It is my turn to host the Knit and Natter get together this week.  There will be lots of news to catch up on since our last gathering.  It is hard to believe that this time last year I wasn't involved in that at all!  

I also have a decision to make regarding my car.  The contract will be up in a few months and I need to decide whether to trade it in against a new one the same as I have now or to go for an electric version.  Big decision, and any help with making it will be gratefully received!  

I hope the weather isn't impacting on anyone's plans for the week - keep warm and keep safe!