Thursday 11 November 2010


Ah - 1976. What a memorable year. I turned 18 in 1976, which to put into context, was also the year that Emma Bunton of the Spice Girls was born. How old does that make me feel?! The band U2 were formed. We used to boogie on down to Abba's Dancing Queen, and the video for Bohemian Rhapsody was just amazing. Rod Stewart was strutting his stuff to Tonight's the night and Leo Sayer made us 'Feel like Dancing'. If you wanted to be scared out of your wits, you'd have gone to see The Omen at the cinema (I'm a scaredy cat so I didn't) but I was a Robert Redford fan so I was more interested in All the President's Men. We all fell in love with the Muppets. A lot of the fashions we had are enjoying a revival at the moment which is a bit bizarre and we were enjoying a wonderfully hot summer.

On Sunday I will be taking a trip down memory lane and revisiting 1976. A group of people I was at 6th form with are getting together for a quiz night at a pub we used to go to in our youth. We meet up now and again and whilst the females are still looking youthful and svelte and seeming as time has stood still ;-) the males have slightly less hair and rather more waistline!
But it's weird how after a while we all fall back into the ways we were back in the 70s. The old 'pecking order' creeps back in and the banter is flying back and forth just like we were 6th formers again.
Well, 52 year old sixth formers really! Now there's an image!


Amy said...

I was four in 1976 and one of my sisters was born that year ... we loved The Muppets :-) Those quiz nights sound like an absolute hoot!

alexa said...

Being of a similar vintage, I am rejoicing in the 'teenage' get-together! Hurrah for youth!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! I think someone needs to give Amy a loving smack on the bum for making the rest of us feel a bit older! LOL! I graduated from high school in 1978, so I'm just a few years behind you.

Rachel Brett said...

Sounds like fun Deb, its good to reminise :)

Cheri said...

1976 was our nation's Bicentennial year and my first ever trip to Washington D.C. I celebrated my 15th birthday, but I had siblings around Amy's age!

I can't imagine getting back together with people I knew in high school, but I'm glad it's fun for you Deb!

scrappyjacky said...

I'd just finished teacher training that seems like a lifetime fact, it is a lifetime ago!!!!!
Enjoy your get together.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I wasn't far behind you, Deb. I was 15 in 1976 and I love the post you have written as it brought back lots of memories of that time in my life. :o)

Your night out with the girls sounds like great fun! How lovely that you keep in touch this way.

Thank you for all of the sweet comments you have left on my blog this past week. I really appreciate all the love and support I've received during this difficult time. xo

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I am a few years in front of you :(

Have a lovely time at the quiz.

Sian said...

Oh please tell me there'll be photos! Will you all be squeezing into some flares? clogs? ponchos? It sounds like a lot of fun - you know how I like my little bit of nostalgia!

Liberty :) said...

I was minus eight in 1976!!! Sounds like fun. Strange what you said about old pecking order. I always revert back to feeling insecure when I see the mean girls from school even though i am now 26!!!!!

Scrappi Sandi said...

That was the year I left school & boy! what a summer it was!!! Thanks for the trip down memory lane & do have fun at your reunion...lots of pics & anecdotes please!!!

Beverly said...

I am a year younger and was so in love with Robert Redford, he held my heart for many many years :) Have fun with your "old" friends!

Denise said...

Oh the memories! Hope you have a great time tonight xx