Wednesday 4 May 2011

4x6 Photo Love times 4

I love the layout that Shimelle has made for this month's 4x6 Photo Love project and have tried to follow it as faithfully as I can
Even found some red and white polka dot paper!  I like the way she has designed an 'interactive part to the page, with the fourth photo hidden beneath the flap ...
although the angle of the photo makes my arm and hand look disproportionately large to the layout!  I really enjoyed doing this layout, now I have to try and do the next stage.  You have to cut a slit into a page protector so that the flap slides through it so people can lift the flap and see the whole layout even when it is in an album.  Wish me luck!
It's been a funny old day here, I had many plans for the day in addition to the important business of doing the layout but this morning did not go as planned.  My sister was over at my niece's house (which is about 5 mins walk from me) as my niece works one day a week and Gill babysits her daughter and dogsits her dog. It's easier for her to go to their house as the dog is far more of a handful than the baby ;-)  So as it is my sister's birthday on Sunday we arranged to meet up for a walk around the lake which is at the back of where I live, so that I could hand over her present.  It was a glorious morning, baby Sophie was fast asleep and the dog in need of running off some energy so we went for a nice walk up to the church and then back round the lake.  Ozzy (the dog) is a Tibetan terrier with long glossy hair.  Let's just say there was a dog-related incident around the lake which resulted in me having to go back with them to my niece's house so that I could look after the (now awake) baby whilst Gill gave the dog and impromptu shower and hair wash outside.  So my short walk ended up in a 2 hour visit - what a shame that was the time I had allocated to housework ;-)


scrappyjacky said...

Sounds to me it happened during the perfect time,Deb!!!!
Love the layout.

This West London Life said...

Your version of the LO is fab! It's a great design concept, isn't it?

Cheri said...

great job on the layout Deb - I'd much rather have the walk & visit than housework!

Beverly said...

Yes, Deb, what a shame that your chore time was overtaken ;) The layout looks fab and thanks for explaining about the slit. Now I know, it seems obvious but I had always pondered that about interactive layouts.

Rachel Brett said...

Great layout Deb, I would like to try this class - it's on the to-do list! :)

Cheryl said...

Love your version Deb x

Amy said...

Anything is better than housework!

The design is really lovely and I love the polka dot paper Deb :-) Good luck with adapting your album, I have seen that done a couple of times and I think it works really well.

WendyB said...

Great layout Deb, I love the beach huts and as for 'dog related incidents' - Well, I know EXACTLY what you mean.

Scrappi Sandi said...

How sad to miss out on the HW!!!! ;)
Great LO & good luck with slicing the ol' page protector!!! :)

Sian said...

Beautiful layout - I just love that spotty paper (and the way you got your teal bracelet in the picture!)

Denise said...

That is so disappointing when you'd planned to do all that lovely housework :-) Love the layout and the way you got the bracelet in x

alexa said...

That's a great scrapbook page! and the polka dots make it zing. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the colours and content of your lo Deb xxx

Anonymous said...

Oooh that's too bad about the housework. :) Sounds to me like babysitting would be far better. Really like what you've done with the layout.

Anonymous said...

Oooh that's too bad about the housework. :) Sounds to me like babysitting would be far better. Really like what you've done with the layout.

Lou said...

A great layout, loving the polka dot paper and those fantastic beach huts.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

:o) Love the layout...and the bracelet, Deb. (thanks so much!!! xo)