Monday 20 June 2011

Blogaversary Blog-Hop

Sandie is having a big blog-hoppy party to celebrate the anniversary of her blog today and I am thrilled to be included in her list.  Now you may have come to me via Moira's blog, or Sandie's own blog or maybe you are one of my blog friends but however you got here I want to say a big HELLO and share a little celebration story with you.
Last year was my 30th wedding anniversary and as a special treat, we booked into a little boutique hotel in Bath.  It was a lovely weekend and I have shared many photos of it on my blog.  While we were away, our kids decided it would be nice to ring around our friends and see who they could rustle up to join in a surprise party for the day we returned home. 
While we were away, R sent me a text to say that her and J wanted to take us out for a drink on the evening we got home as a bit of a celebration.  We had a lovely last day in Bath, and came home feeling tired and to be honest, just wanting an evening in, relaxing at home.  I said to R 'it's a lovely thought, but maybe we could go out tomorrow instead'.  A look of horror crossed her face - 'No, it has to be tonight, come on, get changed, put some lippy on and let's go'.  At this point I have to say that R is not a lady to be messed with once she gets something on her mind.  So we popped into the local pub, and had a drink.  By which time I relaxed and picked up a menu and suggested that we maybe have something to eat there instead of cooking something when we got home.  Another look of horror.  No, we absolutely couldn't have anything to eat, she would be cooking for us later.  J kept checking his phone and at one point went outside to make a call.  Suddenly, R & J were drinking up and obviously thought I was taking too long to finish my wine as R said, 'Can I try your wine?' and practically finished the glassful!  In hindsight, obviously we had been rushed out the house so everyone else could arrive and J had had a call to say they were ready and we needed to go back.
We arrived home, walked through the front door and into the kitchen.  Then R opened the dining room door and we saw everyone there - it was an amazing surprise and totally made our anniversary complete. They had gathered together old friends, new friends, and family and it was just amazing.  For a Christmas present, they had one of the photos taken that night printed onto a canvas to hang on the wall, and it's a lovely momento of a surprise celebration
There's a few letters to find as you go around this blog hop, so this brings me to the end of my contribution to the Special Scrapbooking Special Celebration, hosted by Sandie and in true Sesame Street style - was brought to you by the letter
 Time for me to say goodbye now, and pass you onto the next lady on the list, Alexa.  Click on the link to travel to her blog - you're in for a treat!  And if you lose your way round at any time, here's a list of the people joining in today.  Have fun! 

Blog hop details
1. Sandie:
2. Ann:
3. Louise:
4. Angela:
5. Laurie:
6. Karen:
7. Moira:
8. Deb:
9. Alexa:
10. Den:
11. Lynn:
12. Ruth:


dandelion dreamer said...

at a wonderful surprise Debs! I loved reading you post. moira

Laurie said...

Hiya, what a great time you must have had. Lovely to read your post.

This West London Life said...

Your canvas is fantastic! What a good looking family!

alexa said...

What a wonderful thing to have happened! No wonder you were a little confused about what was going on. :)

Sian said...

That's a wonderful celebration story Deb :)

Beverly said...

great story and I LOVE the canvas!

Denise said...

That canvas is truly lovely - a great reminder of a lovely celebration,what a nice thought x x

furrypig said...

what a brilliant surprise, sounds like a great evening was had by all. The photo is really fabulous too.

Anonymous said...

What a super story Deb. I think the photo of the 4 of you is so lovely and your children are just perfect the way they arranged the surprise for you. xxx

Cheryl said...

What a fab canvas you all look so happy x

Alison said...

What a lovely surprise...and love the canvas!
Alison xx