Monday 18 February 2013

Hello Monday

Hello to half term this week.  If you were here right now you would see mesmiling broadly and doing my happy dance!
Hello to painting my son's bedroom, he's coming home for a long weekend next week and I wanted to freshen up his room.  It was last decorated back in 2007 when he took it upon himself to decorate it with a friend.  Let's just say that it wasn't the most perfect work of art and this 'freshening up' is well overdue.
Hello to having a proper cooking lesson.  I love to cook and am always keen to try out new recipes.  Whilst ringing local restaurants to organise work experience for a girl who wants to be a chef, I got talking to the owner of one of our town's nicer eateries and she told me that the chef ran cooking demonstrations once a month.  Next thing I knew, I'd got a work placement for a student and I'm booked on the next session which is 'Pies and Puddings'.  After the demonstration there's much sampling to be done (good times) and learning how to match wines to the food (even better times!)
Hello to meeting up for with an ex work colleague who left last year.  She's in town and a whole bunch of us are joining her for coffee one morning.  So if you were thinking of going for a quiet morning coffee I would recommend you avoid Cafe Nero in town as it will be full of women chattering and gossiping and eating cake and drinking capuccinos and lattes and generally taking over the whole of the first floor!
Hello to longer dog walks - the weather report is finally looking a tiny bit better and hopefully that get fit intention will be one step closer ...
Hello to maybe getting a couple more Telling Tales layouts done, I have a couple in mind.  Which leads me to
Hello to taking over the dining room for a week with a whole bunch of scrapbooking supplies and generally turning it into a craftroom.  Expect a fine layer of glitter throughout the downstairs of the house!


This West London Life said...

You've a busy week planned ~ you'll be going back to school for a rest!

Maria Ontiveros said...

Cooking lessons sound like so much fun! Clara and I redid her room a bit last weekend - no new paint, but rearranged and purged, which felt good. The kids have this week off; I won't get my spring break for another two weeks.

helena said...

sounds like a lovely week - the cooking demo sounds amazing

Rhona said...

Sounds like you're going to be kept busy Deb, enjoy your half term. For some unknown reason I'm in the mood for a bit of spring cleaning - I'll just go with the flow as it doesn't happen very often ;o) x

Gail said...

Sounds like a busy, fun week. The cooking lesson sounds great. Hope we hear about it.

Beverly said...

Sounds like a packed but fun week! I want to redo the Pirates bedroom this spring and am having fun thinking of possibilities :)

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

The cooking lessons sound like a lot of fun!

Unknown said...

I am envious of your fabulous plans for this week.

Sian said...

It sounds like a good week! Are you changing the colour for a "nice surprise" or going with the same thing or maybe there have been weeks of negotiations :)

Alison said...

Hope the painting's going utility room looks much better!
Alison xx