Wednesday 5 June 2013

New projects

I hadn't realised how much I missed sewing until I actually dusted down the sewing machine and ordered some fabric!  My husband has finally finished the shed / summerhouse project and the patio at the end of the garden is looking much better for it.  He painted up the old bench and it is quite a feature there now.  But we all know that wooden benches aren't the most comfortable seats in the world so what that bench was crying out for was ... a patchwork quilt.
I've been so admiring of the quilts that Abi makes and after watching her video on the evolution of a quilt I was inspired.  I found an amazing website selling 'Layer Cakes' of co-ordinating fabrics.  There was a set in hot pinks and blues and lime greens and turquoise and before you could say 'Paypal', I had sent off my order. 
Now I'm not saying that I was obsessed with getting this quilt made or that all housework got neglected and dinners were made with not much thought behind them.  All I'm saying is that two days later it was finished.

The reverse
The only other thing I would say is that this is not going to be the last quilt I make, I enjoyed doing it so much!

I also think that a photo of the quilt in situ on the bench outside is going to make it into my Scavenger hunt photos.



scrappyjacky said...

Sounds like you are a bit obsessed!!!! But it's a beautiful quilt....I can hardly believe you made it so quick.

Cheri said...

It's gorgeous! Love all those bright happy fabrics.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Hooray for dusting off your sewing machine, and what a great way to get reacquainted by making a beautiful quilt. I love the pattern and the colors of this quilt, Deb, and can't wait to see what you do next! :o)

Sian said...

It's absolutely beautiful! A Deb of many talents..

Maria Ontiveros said...

I love your quilt and was shocked by how quickly you put it together (watched on instagram). I'm doing a bit of catch up today and have enjoyed your four recent posts!

Alison said...

I too watched with amazement via Instagram ....what a quick worker you are...and what a beautiful job you've made of it!
Alison xx

Jo.C said...

I love that, I have a jelly roll that I am going to start with but I think I need to know where you got your fabric from as I am in love with those colours. Brilliant work x

Sandra said...

It's just so gorgeous, you really must be over the moon with it

Sandie said...

Debs that is so beautiful! I LOVE the bright and cheerful colours, it will look lovely on the garden bench. Well done you! Look forward to seeing more of your fabric creations x

Amy said...

Wow, Deb it is sensational!

Abi said...

Hooray for quilts! So glad you got inspired. It is truly beautiful Debs. I love the colours you chose. It is so addictive though isn't it!

Ifa said...

Wow, wow! I love the quilt. Looking forward to seeing it in place. So are you back to the housework and cooking now ?

Robyn said...


Miriam said...

if I thought I could make something as gorgeous at that in a week I would be happy.

This West London Life said...

I've just had a lovely catch up with your blog and apologise for the lack of recent comments.
Your quilt is simply stunning!

Lou said...

how gorgeus is your quilt, two days you say :) I have always wanted to make one, but never seem to get around to it x

alexa said...

Stunning! Bth the quilt and the speed of working :). Love your phrase about Paypal- I can see that falling into my lexicon!

JJ Stranan. said...

What a lovely quilt. Absolutely beautiful the way the colours work together. I myself am working on some floor mats at the moment.

Rachel Brett said...

Oh wow! That's beautiful! :)