Saturday 17 May 2014

Simply a Moment in May

As soon as I walk through the front door I can hear the familiar theme tune coming from the lounge.  "Did no one tell you life was gonna be this way? ..." I take off my coat and shoes, put my keys in the dish on the table and know that when I go in there Joey will be doing that cheeky smile: 'How you doin'?' Chandler will be emphasising certain words: 'Could that BE any more annoying?' and Rachel will have some impeccable hairstyle that everyone wants to copy.
Re-runs of Friends.  How many times have we seen each episode? Literally dozens, yet it is one of those shows that can be watched, over and over again.  It's been an integral part of recovery around here.  Something amusing, something comfortable that doesn't need any effort to enjoy.  I wonder if, in some way, knowing what is coming next is half of the appeal.
The patient is laying in her usual place, cushions plumped up behind her, quilt across her lap, magazines, phone and glass of water in easy reach on the coffee table.  I see that the painkillers are still in the same place I left them.  A good sign; when she was first discharged from hospital she was taking the maximum dose at the most frequent intervals.  She's like me, we do not take painkillers unless we absolutely have to and so the fact that they have been untouched means that things are bearable today.
When she arrived in this world 27 years ago as a 5lb 10oz baby she was so tiny and so fragile; I felt an overwhelming urge to take care of her and protect her as best I could. She's taller than me and a grown woman now, yet I still feel those strong maternal feelings of needing to put right anything that hurts her.
She turns to look over her shoulder 'Oh hi Mum.  How was work?' 'Well, really busy but not too bad.' I reply. She doesn't need to know that I was begrudging every minute I spent there,  checking my phone regularly, anxious to get home to check up on her. 'Cup of coffee?' She smiles and nods and I go into the kitchen, back into protective Mum mode.  Secretary in a school office may be the job I'm paid to do, but my real vocation is here at home.
Linking up with Alexa to share Simply a Moment.   


Beverly said...

It's so true that we muct have our own before we can fully understand our parents love for us. Glad that Rach is healing nicely and getting to do it with you.

alexa said...

I am very moved reading this, Debs - and your love and support for her must be easing her pain too. And I smiled too at your analysis of 'Friends' - so true! Comfort blanket TV, we call it here. Hoping you have had a whole weekend of being in Mum mode, and that it has felt good. Thank-you so very much for having been such a loyal contributor to Simply A Moment - your writing always communicates so much and it has always given me great enjoyment to be here :).

Anonymous said...

Debs you've brought back memories of my Mum taking care of me in your moment. Glad to hear the pain meds are not needed as much now.

Sian said...

It's good to hear that she is on the mend. The bit about hearing thetv chimed with me today. I know that within the week I'll be coming in to hear "Frazier" or "Everybody loves Raymond" which are the favourites of my early rising son.

keep on getting better R!

Alison said...

Have just been catching up, Deb...sorry to hear that Rachel's appendicitis, but glad she's on the mend....and your quilt square is on the 'to do' list this week...but then so is Deb Turtle's!!
Alison xx

This West London Life said...

I enjoyed sharing your moment ~ you described it all so clearly. I'm glad that R is on the mend. Re Friends; when I worked in a school and went on a trip, I always made sure we had a video or two of Friends for the journey ~ a coach full of teenage girls and there was never a sound, apart from a communal sing along of the theme tune! Thanks for making me remember that!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Aw, Deb, I loved this post. So sweet and so true about us always wanting to take care of our babies even when they aren't babies anymore. Here's hoping that your Rachel is much better by this point. So fun that she was watching "Friends" - my brother Ron is obsessed with that sitcom and has many episodes memorized.

Anonymous said...

So glad that your beautiful girl is getting better. Hope she is fully recovered very soon.

Missus Wookie said...

So sorry to hear that Rachel hasn't been well. Glad you were able to be there and she's feeling a bit better.