Monday 23 March 2015

Me on Monday - 23 March

Oh hello! Thanks for popping by and seeing what Me on Monday looks like this week.  It's a bit like this 

Trying to get my layout sorted for my quilt.  I've just ordered my backing fabric and binding.  Now I shall be stalking the postman!  I'm itching to get it put together as my weekend held quite a bit of sewing
Also a bit of paper folding. I had seen a great idea on Julie's blog for origami bookmarks and although I do own some 'proper' bookmarks, I can never find one when I need it so I immediately made one to put in the latest book that I'm reading.  I find myself using old receipts, scraps of envelopes, tissues and anything else that is flat (I do draw the line at food items though - unlike some people!) Then I thought how they would be useful for marking pages in cookery books so you can easily find your recipe without going through the index. Especially in recipe books that are so old and well thumbed that the index pages are no longer actually attached to the book!  These are going to be so useful!

We started the weekend on Friday, with a lovely Indian meal out at a local restaurant with the lovely Denise and 'himself'. Good food, good company, a great start to a couple of days off.  Rumour has it that our son was on ITV News at Six. He's working in an office which is near the ITV studios and they were talking to people out in the street about the eclipse.  Unfortunately we didn't know he'd had a few minutes of national fame, and missed it, but his poor Grandma nearly fell off her chair when she suddently saw her grandson on the television! 
Sunday involved dog walks and selfie fails
It took a few goes to get us all in the picture and one of us not checking out trees for squirrels and pigeons (Coco's arch enemies. Her mission is to scare every single one out of our local area. It's not working).
The last weekend of Rachel living at home so she cooked for us Saturday night and we had a few of her favourites for Sunday lunch. Needless to say she has left packing up clothes and toiletries until the last possible minute so there was a fair bit of suitcase and box packing going on.  Then in a moment of madness she suggested that I might like to learn how to put highlights in her hair.  We've often joked about how annoying it must be for her to know how to do it for other people but then having to pay for someone else to do it to her hair.  I was a very willing student but after the initial enthusiasm of 'you can easily learn how to do this Mum', she seemed a little nervous to actually be sitting in the kitchen with a gown round her shoulders, a pile of foils by her side and me with a brush full of bleach in my hands.  At this point I would like to say that I have watched the hairdresser do this many a time and thought it looked quite straightforward ... however ... it's not as easy as it looks!  There's combs in one hand, foils in another, switch the comb for the bleach brush, keep the hair tight, don't get it near the scalp, keep a clean line, fold the foil nicely.  I was mighty nervous but she seemed quite confident in my ability and that confidence rubbed off.   After a nerve wracking 20 mins I sent my client up to the bathroom to wash her hair and reveal the results.  Fortunately, it looked good!  Then she said 'how do you fancy cutting it too?' Oh yes!  I was fired up.  It was a bit like when you're little and you give your Barbie doll a new look, but with 'Barbie' giving instructions, and comments like 'oh my goodness, I can't believe I'm actually letting you do this'.  I probably took about 2" off all round and she did genuinely seem very happy.  Don't think I'm quite ready to give up the day job yet though!
And that's it for another week. Giving a Monday wave to Sian


Sian said...

You've got another string to your talented bow, then! The only time I ever tried cutting hair I took a chunk out of my finger and nearly passed out, so you're streets ahead of me.

Your quilt looks gorgeous: such beautiful colours

Have a good week!

Abi said...

Lovely lovely quilt Deb and I am so impressed with the hairdressing. My bother aged 14 once let one of his friends cut his hair. She did such a bad job of it that his houseparent (he was at boarding school at the time) had to shave it right down till he just had a fuzzy layer on top! Needless to say he has gone to the barbers ever since!

This West London Life said...

That's a beautiful quilt in the making. Very brave of you (and R) to try out a spot of hairdressing! And I'm definitely going to be trying out the origami corner markers thingys.

Maria Ontiveros said...

That is a wonderful looking quilt.

alexa said...

Your quilt is shaping up beautifully ... as are your hairdressing skills. Admiring your courage :).

Beverly said...

Love the selfies, so happy and fun! You and Rachel both are very courageous, glad it went well :)