Wednesday 23 September 2015

Scavenger Hunt - the elusive flag pole and the end of the hunt

Do you know how you can tell that Summer is officially over?  Not by a change in the weather, not by the fact that it gets dark earlier in the evenings, not even by looking at the calendar.  It's when you know that the deadline for the Scavenger Hunt photos is here.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you need to hurry along over the Rinda's blog to find out all about it so that you have your camera prepped and ready to go in June next year.

Every year when Rinda publishes the list for the Scavenger Hunt photos I'm sure I'm not the only one who quickly scans through it and mentally thinks of the ones that I know I can easily find close to home, those that I will have to go further afield for and the one that you know is going to cause you trouble.  The first one I knew would be impossible was the unicycle - although I have since found out that the son of a friend has one and can do various tricks on it.   The next one I wondered about was a juggler, and then as if the fates knew of my dilemma - a new teacher started at school, one whose previous job was teaching circus performers' children in an Australian Circus.  Of course he had picked up some circus skills along the way - he is a mega super star hula hooper (don't take my word for it, check out this video)  and ... ta dah ... juggling. This year I was concerned about the 3 flags or more on a flag pole.  We're not really a flag waving kind of country, and even when we do fly a flag, you will only find one per pole.  We need to follow the lead of other countries - Italy for example.  Oh how excited I was to see hundreds of flags lining the beach front. 
15 - A flag pole with at least three flags on it
As we sat in the taxi from the airport to our hotel all I kept saying was 'Paul, look at all those flags!'  the driver must have thought I was crazy, we passed mountains, we drove alongside the sea, we drove through quaint villages, but the thing that impressed me most was the flags!
16 - A panoramic view - taken from high in the air

We knew there was a famous tower in Lucca.  What we didn't know was how high it was.  So I had taken a photo out the window of the aircraft in case I wasn't able to climb the tower.  I asked the ticket seller how high it was - 45 metres.  It looked pretty high.  How long does it take to climb - about 8 minutes.  Which seemed a long time but I figured even if I didn't make it to the top I could take a photo from a window on the way.  So we started to climb.  And climb.  And climb. And wow was I pleased I did it, just look at that view!  The tower is famous as it has trees growing out of the top of it.

17 - at least two people wearing matching outfits or uniforms

A five a side football tournament at the nearby football pitch came up trumps here.  I love the way these two are so engrossed in their conversation.

18 - an overloaded truck, car, bicycle or other vehicle

It's not often I volunteer to go with Paul when he takes rubbish to the tip but I'm pleased I went on this occasion as I think this guy had a lot of stuff to get rid of.

19 - a ticket booth

Beaches in Italy are privately owned so to use the facilities like deckchairs and parasols you have to buy a ticket.  Which was very fortunate for me as it provided me with a choice for ticket booths.

20 - A natural body of water

The lake over our local park is such a tranquil place.  It's a favourite dog walking venue - although I'm not sure that the fishermen always approve of the presence of over-excited dogs running around chasing ducks and scaring away the fish!  Even though I could have chosen many a picture of the Mediterranean, I decided to use this one for the hunt.

Which just leaves me with the final photo. The one of me holding a sign. (Sitting in my rocking chair which I was keeping in reserve in case I needed it as an alternative for an elusive item.)
And so the hunt ends again for another year so a big thank you to Rinda for organising it, the search for photos really adds to the fun of our holidays.  Same time, same place, next year?  I do hope so!
My other photos can be found in earlier blog posts.  If you fancy a look I'd love to see you here and here.  But most of all I'd love to know if you've joined in already and if not - I need your promise that you will consider joining in next year. 


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

A great round up. Last year my nemesis was that darned cloud, but I got there in the end. Sadly the flags have eluded me.

Anonymous said...

wow- love the flagpole!! I think you must win for that item!!!!!

Lady Ella said...

Well done for the hunt and I love your overloaded vehicle. Like you, I was overjoyed to find flags - then ended up with three lots to choose from. Yours are very cheery.

This West London Life said...

The photo of the two wee lads is cute! And those flags! Goodness, that was by far the trickiest one to find this year!

Sian said...

That's a lovely picture of you at the end. Flags cause all sorts of issues the end I decided not to go hunting too far: it's easier just to ignore the whole thing!

Same time next year, then?

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Flags were my nemesis, too. I live far from any ocean and originally misread the prompt. You got enough for FOUR people (grin). Well, well done. All your photos are magnificent, and I will join in again next year with you. I was truly impressed, and I agree that we first look for the easy ones before anything else.

Sandra said...

I've never actually taken part but I can honestly say it's been a joy to see everyone's photos

Cheri said...

I'd have been impressed with all those flags too! It is rare here in the USA to find a flag pole with more than two flags, so when I found one with five, I was elated!

Karen said...

I totally agree with your assessment of the hardest items ever. It took me two years to find someone on a unicycle, but I posted it on my blog once I found it. It turned out one of our friends knew how to juggle, though I never knew it until I went through the list with him. This year it was the three flags for sure. You have wonderful photos!

debs14 said...
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debs14 said...

Sandra, next year you should join in, it's a lot of fun trying to track them all down!

Karen said...

Super photos. I'm so envious of everyone's flag photos (I didn't manage to get one) and yours is a stunner.

alexa said...

Great to see that you whizzed over the finishing line in such style :). And your flagpole is fantastic - I am afraid I fell down on that one. What a super view too. My DD has visited Lucca several times and loves it ...

Becky said...

Great round up and your flags are great! I wasn't so pleased with my flag find, but yours (and the story to accompany it) is great!

Susanne said...

Yay on finishing. I flipped back through your posts to see all the fun snaps. And those flags are simply fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Well done on getting all the photos this year!I'm hoping for better luck next year - perhaps our trip to Great Britain will help with that. :) That has to be the most flags ever on a flagpole.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Every year, there is always an item that is unintentionally difficult.
It's fairly common to have three flags on a pole here (the U.S. flag, the flag of the state, and then the city flag). Who knew it was so hard to find in the UK or so easy in Italy!