Thursday 30 June 2016

Scavenger Hunt one month in

I'm so happy to be linking in with Rinda for the 'how are you doing' monthly roundup of Scavenger Hunt photos.  I normally get most of my finds when I'm on holiday but this year we went away earlier than usual and I knew that I was going to be extra observant on the last few days of my holiday as the list went live 3 days into our visit! 

Without further ado, here's my first finds:
1 A Natural Heart 2 Footsteps/footprints 3 a skeleton 4 books I read

6 A camper/campervan 9 someone playing around water 10 a bicycle 12 a window
11 Fresh produce has to sit on its own as it was taken on a camera and not my phone!

13 The moon  15 (almost ashamed to show this one after Monday night's poor performance) a team logo 16 a map showing a trip taken 17 twins
18 A supermarket trolley 19 (the most fun one to find) a seasonal cocktail 21 a photo of me with a newspaper page

And so I am missing 5 a porch or deck, 7 a family gathering 8 a drawing/art project 14 a buffet of food and 20 someone laughing.  I am wondering if us Brits can use a photo of a garden patio for number 5, the porch to my house is really not photogenic and we don't have wooden decking - I may have to put my thinking cap on for that one!
How's everyone else doing?  Big thanks to Rinda for organising this again, it really does make you keep your eyes open!


Sian said...

That's a great haul already. I usually save mine for holidays too but we are later going away this year..dare I hold out?

Maria Ontiveros said...

Wow! You're really far along!
I'm so glad to be hosting this year as a way to reconnect with everybody.
Thanks for playing along and for joining the linky.

Lisca said...

Gosh you have already got so many! Still more than two months to go!
Your photos are great and very original. (I'm playing for the first time so I can learn from you).
The bicycle and the window are particularly good. The camper is very unusual too.
I can guess you went to Portugal for your hols. Praia da Luz is very nice. We have been there too.

Sandra said...

Goodness you've done so well. Although I don't take part, I love seeing what everyone comes up with

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Your bicycle photo is so fun with the red phone booth in the background! :o) I'm having the same issue for the porch/deck as we have neither and I'm not sure where I might find those. I'm sure one will turn up somewhere. You have a great start to the list so far, Deb!

This West London Life said...

Goodness, you have been observant!

BJ said...

Excellent interpretation of Twins! BJ

Maggie said...

You have been busy! You have some very clever, thoughtful ones in particular the twins, the Union Jack cushion by your newspaper and your skeleton.

Jane said...

wow, you have been busy, love the bicycle shot

alexa said...

My goodness, you have done well so far! I especially like your bike and skeleton ...

Halle said...

You've done really well!