Monday 1 August 2016

Memorandum Monday

Well here's a first ... first time that first size clothes have been hung in the garden of this house.
When we moved here Jon was 15 months old so in much more toddler sized clothing, but yesterday Rachel finally succumbed to my nagging. I've been saying for weeks 'have you packed your bag? have you washed some newborn sized clothes?  You can't put Bingle I something that hasn't been washed in the finest baby safe washing liquid.  And what about crib sheets?  This baby could come at any time'. To which she always replied 'there'll be plenty of time for that once I've given up work'.  Oh will there?  Well look, the sun is shining, you've finished work, you're here for Sunday lunch, let's put a wash on and dry them in the sunshine.' 
Fast forward 4 hours.  That nagging back ache  she's had for a couple of days has become a bit more painful and a call to the hospital suggested that she pop along and be put on a monitor.  Just to be sure.  Just in case.  (You know where this is going don't you?)  Sure enough, those were contractions.  At just 35 weeks I was trying hard to keep that brave, positive face on but I can't pretend that I'm not anxious. 
They kept her in overnight, scanned her this morning - Bingle is probably weighing in at 4lb 14 oz, contractions (or 'cramps' as Little Miss Denial is calling them) have slowed and she's on her way home.
Any positive, reassuring tales of babies delivered early would be gratefully received! 
Well this isn't the post I expected to write to join in with Sian's Memorandum Monday - you never know what the days will bring eh?


helena said...

oh my, hope all is going well

This West London Life said...

Fingers crossed for you all ... is there anything cuter than baby clothes on a line?

Sian said...

We..ll.. TTO was two weeks early and weighed 4lb 11oz and he was allowed home at slightly less than that. He's 6' 4" now with best eyesight and hearing in the house, so honestly, please don't worry. You'll be dressing Bingle in those outfits soon and it's going to be wonderful xx

Julie Kirk said...

I'm sure it's all going to be wonderful and your daughter will have a tale to tell Bingle about your eager laundry preparations. Many good wishes!!xx

alexa said...

Your nesting instinct was spot - you can't ever tell with babies ... Glad to know all is well with your daughter and Bingle, and perhaps this experience will concentrate her mind a little more :). Looking forward to happy news in the next few weeks.

Patio Postcards said...

Maybe those pre contractions are what they call Braxton Hicks contractions - can be a bit daunting especially for first time Mums & 35 weeks is the usual time ... I will say no more.

Fun to see all white baby clothes on the line ...

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well with baby Bingle. Good thinking about the washing Mrs K - one of the pe teachers from work started her maturity leave at 4pm and her baby was born, early, at 1am the next day!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

My girl was over a month early, a little jaundiced, but all was well.

Alison said...

Oh Deb...I had no idea things were so far along with Rachel....hope everything goes ok...and you're right, you just never know when babies divide they want out into the pays to be organised! Xx