Monday 21 August 2017

Wedding number two

What's better than a wedding in the family?

Two weddings in the family!

Our son got married on Saturday in the first of two celebrations.  This one was the legal ceremony


that was held at Clissold House which is very close to where they live in London.  It was a lovely ceremony and, as you can see, the bride and groom were amazingly happy and smiley all day!  We went on for a fab lunch in Hackney and it really was a wonderful day.  I feel so incredibly fortunate to know that both my 'kids' have found partners who fit so well into our family and make them so happy.

The best bit about the wedding?  The fact that we get to do it all over again next week!  That's when the marquee celebration for all friends and family will be there.  The land it is on isn't licensed for weddings - hence the legal ceremony at a registry office this weekend.  So Paul was roped in (excuse the pun) to put up the structure yesterday as it has to have time for guy ropes and poles to be adjusted to make sure it doesn't collapse while we are all having our dinner!  But please don't imagine a typical romantic styled wedding marquee with white canvas and twinkly lights - that's so not them, oh no, this is more a festival feel location - fancy wedding chairs?  Forget that and picture hay bales covered in quilts.  Oh, and did I mention the Mexican theme?  Remember me stressing about making Rachel's wedding cake and being thankful I wasn't going to be responsible for Jon's?  Well I have just been talked into helping out with it - only this time it isn't actually made of cake ... watch this space!  They are both quite unconventional and the day is going to be quite unlike your normal wedding party.  

Which seems a good point at which to end this blog post as, according to my to-do list for today, I have a piñata to fill with sweets.


Patio Postcards said...

Congratulations to the newly weds - such smiles! So in England the location has to be licensed to have wedding ceremonies? That is new to me. In Canada it isn't the location; so many choose golf courses with their beautiful club houses & grounds - it is the celebrant (sp?) that has to be legally allowed to conduct the service. Some ministers will perform outside of the church but not many. In Ontario becoming licensed to conduct weddings is a long & costly process, one that I would think would be SO much fun. Looking forward to the party celebration photos.

Maggie said...

Congratulations to them both. My! What a busy year for your family. I am going to make a couple of guesses now. Could this marquee be a teepee?. And maybe the cake is made of cheeses? I shall have to wait and see.

This West London Life said...

What a lovely photo! And how exciting to have part two still to look forward to!

Leslie Roberts Clingan said...

Double the fun and double the love. When I married my PC we had a justice of the peace service and then a marriage blessing in our home. The blessing ceremony was really special. Hope you are successful in your cake endeavors and that the second celebration is as meaningful as the first. What a lovely couple!