Sunday 17 December 2017

It's a wrap

I wish I was better at keeping to my good intentions.  In so many aspects of my life!  

Last year, as always, I found myself the day before Christmas frantically wrapping up gifts, hoping that the sellotape would last until the final one was done, running out of gift tags and enthusiasm.  'Next year' I declared 'I will wrap presents as I buy them.'  {ahem} Well, that hadn't happened, and whilst the rolls of paper and matching tags were bought early on, while all the stores were doing their 'buy 3 for the price of 2' offers, no cellophane paper was removed from the rolls despite the occasional present buying bought.  I did make a start on wrapping last week when I was meeting up with someone who I wouldn't see again before Christmas but the pile of packages was growing and enthusiasm to wrap was diminishing.

Today we woke to freezing fog.  We were having no visitors for lunch and I decided to take scissors to paper and make a start. 

Has anyone else noticed how long it takes to wrap presents?  I know I was trying to cook a full on roast beef dinner in between gifts but it took me the whole morning.  First tags were written in best handwriting, with a meaningful message, the final ones were a little less legible and a little shorter in comment.  But hey, I'm nearly done ๐Ÿ˜€ Just a few more to do and then I can just get to grips with prettying them up with ribbons and bows.  It also makes me realise that I have actually finished all present buying - with a week to spare!  

The school that I work at finishes on Tuesday lunchtime ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ„which gives us a full two weeks off work.  Strange to think that if I stick to my plans to leave sometime after my 60th birthday, I won't have too many more months to work - ever.  It feels like a big decision and I really can't decide when to go.  I won't go on my actual birthday, and when you work in a school you kind of feel like to you need to leave at some meaningful time like the beginning of the Easter holidays, or May half term and it's really weird to think that once I've made my decision, that's it!  There'll be no excuse for not blogging more regularly then, will there?  


This West London Life said...

I went with the wrap as I went along this year and it proved to be much less tedious and stressful. Your parcels look lovely! The Boy child finishes mid-afternoon this coming Wednesday.

Patio Postcards said...

Wrapping?! I'm a bag with tissue kind of gal all the way ... I have one too many thumbs to make a success of wrapped gifts. Mind you we don't exchange gifts with many. Your paper looks pretty. I think it would be exciting & scary at the same time to think about retiring or quitting. I'm currently in that position about quitting without a new job to go to; thankfully Mr Man is supportive about just quitting ... I'll say no more for now.

Merry Christmas Deb & I hope that Santa is very good to you.

Leslie Roberts Clingan said...

Oh, the care you put into wrapping. I hope everyone you gift is appreciated for the love and time you took to write the gift tag message and carefully conceal the present. Beautiful paper! I think gift wrapping is an art, at which I am a struggling novice!

Anonymous said...

Hate wrapping with such a passion. I have been known to still be wrapping at 2am Christmas morning only to have it all ripped off a few hours later - a thankless job I thin.

By the way I left school this May half term and now only work three days a week as an administrator - the best decision I ever made!