Monday 7 May 2018

Me on a Bank Holiday Monday

You know how us Brits love to talk about the weather, well this May Bank Holiday Monday has given us something good to say

Rumour has it that this could be the warmest early May Bank Holiday Monday on record!  Whilst it would have been nice to spend it by a beach, the thought of getting in a car and possibly sitting in miles of tailbacks along with everyone else who fancied being by the seaside was enough to make us stay at home.  With the sun shining it was lovely to be out in the garden tidying up before we added some summer plants.

See that long green pole in the centre of the photo?  It's my husband's favourite ever supermarket purchase.  A couple of years ago he went to Aldi to buy some vegetables and came home with an extendable tree lopper with saw - at the bargain price of £8.99.  It's seen a lot of use since then and it was out in action again today.  While he was busy with that I decided to tackle the ivy which is steadily taking over our walls and fences.  If I had a pound for every metre of ivy I cut down today I'd be a very wealthy lady!  There's a definite improvement but still more to come down.  We had to stop after we had filled the whole brown rubbish bin plus two large garden sacks.

It's fair to say we had earned a well deserved lunch in the garden with a glass of chilled white wine.

Did you have a busy or relaxed Monday?


This West London Life said...

Wasn't it a glorious weekend! We spent it all outside - visiting friends and their new baby and at two National Trust properties - fabulous!
Would you like to come and do my garden when you're done?!

Patio Postcards said...

That sounds like a perfect way to spend a holiday Monday - at home & in the garden. Not too hot, not too cold - perfect temperature. Hope there was a lovely large cool drink reward at the end of your work :)

We don't get our holiday Monday until May 21st (Victoria Day Weekend or for the drinkers it's the 2/4 weekend, Victoria's birthday has been turned into 2/4 not for the date but for the number of beers in a case, 24).

Maggie said...

The lopper sounds more controllable than my husband with his hedge trimmer. I have to keep an eye to make sure I have some garden left