Friday 24 February 2023

#WBOYC The February edition

Last month Australian Deb from the other Deb's World used the initials from her WOTY to highlight things she'd done in the month so I am brazenly blog-lifting her idea as a different way of seeing 'What's been on my calendar'


Feeling tidier after having a hair cut - I feel like I need a change next time but can't decide whether or not to go shorter


Eating and exercising.  Two meals out with friends and four Zumba lessons.  I need to keep/get fit because I have been busy arranging something to go on our July calendar, we have ...


... Booked our summer holiday - We have a week in Sicily on the calendar now, I'm anxious to leave winter behind so it is lovely to have something overseas planned even if I do have to wait five months!


Reading our online book club's choice All the Broken Places by John Boyne.  This is the sequel to The Boy in the Striped Pyjama and was a good pick.  I'm also reading A Man Called Ove which is now a film with Tom Hanks in the main role.  I'm really enjoying it and think that Tom Hanks is the perfect actor to play the character of Ove.  


Unpicking a few rows of crochet that I tried to do while watching the last episode of Happy Valley - honestly, I'll never know why I thought I could concentrate properly on both at the same time! Have you been watching it?  Such a brilliant drama - the acting was superb. Want to see how the blanket is coming along? There is at least one mistake that I know of but I'm hoping that no one else will notice it!


Also booked a long weekend away in May to one of our favourite places in the UK - Southwold.  This will be Coco's holiday too as we've booked a dog-friendly cottage.  In fact the whole of Southwold is dog friendly so we feel very comfortable taking her with us. 


Returned our Covid tests to the Office of National Statistics.  Every month we are sent a PCR test and a blood antibody kit which we have to return within 14 days.  It helps the ONS calculate the amount of people who may have Covid without having any symptoms.  In return for us doing that we are sent a £20 voucher - we've been doing this for two years now and I'm wondering how much longer they will ask us to continue.


Yes to all the pancakes on Shrove Tuesday! We can have pancakes any day in the year, why do I only think about making them when Shrove Tuesday appears on the calendar?

So would you like to see how February looked so far - 1 Second Every Day?

Now please pop over to the Australian Deb's World and see what she packed into her busy February!  


Gail Is This Mutton? said...

What a great idea to use the first letters of February.
You might well be interested in joining "Our Future Health", Deb, which I've written about this month. I am heartily sick of doing Covid tests so I probably would have given that one up!
Well done for booking a holiday and Southwold. I'm going to include Southwold on my list of places to vist this summer!

Denyse Whelan. said...

Love a good use of letters as a prompt! Good to get to know you from (other) Deb’s part of the world here in the southern hemisphere! Thank you for your kind comment on my “feel the feelings” post…it’s better for me to admit my vulnerabilities as I can see that not doing so was unhelpful.
I am so pleased to have a warm holiday to look forward to!

Patio Postcards said...

I also like your post using the letters of the month to recap the month. I may also borrow this idea. How wonderful to have two get aways to look forward to. Well done you to participate in the Covid study. It probably helps them decide how often a booster is necessary for the general population (& 20 pounds is nothing to sneeze at these days). Pancakes are often eaten here for that I don't feel like cooking at all days (col).

This West London Life said...

I am another who loves how you have used the letters of February to highlight your month! Like Mary-Lou, I may borrow this idea.

That blanket looks wonderful and I doubt that anyone will ever notice a mistake!

Joanne said...

What a fun layout idea! Sicily sounds like a great idea and I bet you will have lots of fun. I just got a trim yesterday and warned my hairdresser I've been looking for new hairstyle ideas so we may be changing things up soon; I just can't decide what I want.

retirementreflections said...

Hi, Deb - Thank you for joining us again for WBOYC. It looks like you've had a fun and busy February. I meant to mention last week that your site will not let me comment from my computer, but I can comment from my phone. I am not sure if this is unique to me. If it is, feel free to ignore this and ai will use my phone for your posts.

Sue said...

Hi Deb, thanks so much for joining us at the What’s Been On Your Calendar linkup. I had trouble commenting from my computer so am trying my phone. I always feel so good after a hair cut and mine is due this week. I loved Happy Valley and was sad to see the series end. I notice you are in an online bookclub perhaps you would like to join us and link up a post for our What’s On Your Bookshelf? Enjoy your weekend Sue from Women Living Well After 50 x

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Your hair looks lovely and don't we always feel better after a trim?
Sicily sounds amazing and it will be July before you know it. Your blanket is gorgeous and no one will notice any mistakes. Mine always have one or two but that's what adds to their charm.

Barbara Eads said...

I love your haircut and think it's the perfect length. I, too have read "A Man Called One" but have not see the movie. I'm hoping to this week. I'm glad you have a couple of fun trips planned. It's so nice to have something to look forward to. Also, I love how you do that 1 second video. It's really a nice re-cap of the month!

Suzanne said...

Hi Deb, visiting from #WBOYC. I just learned about the 1sec video on another blog. You put it together well. I don't know about you, but having plans to look forward to is a big motivator for me. Sicily sounds wonderful. Like everyone else, I enjoyed your FEBRUARY prompt.

Jennifer said...

Brilliant! What a fun way to wrap up your month! I think your hair looks great but I know how it feels to want a change. Will be excited to see what you decide next month visit. And, I want to go to Sicily!! Congrats on getting your holiday booked!! Here's to another good month ahead....and a fun recap at the end (albeit a much shorter one with only five letters!!)

Deb's World said...

Hi Deb, many thanks for the shout-out, us Debs have to stick together and help each other out! So much fun in your post especially your planned trips. We're coming back to England in May for a few months, so I'm hoping for some warmer weather by then. Your wrap-up was really creative and full of interesting snippets. Your hair looks lovely :0. Take care and hope to see you again for #WBOYC

Susanne said...

I am so behind on the book club. I have read A Man Called Ove. My good friend just saw the Tom Hanks movie and was unimpressed. She thought there was entirely too much coverage of him considering killing himself -- she left thoroughly depressed. That was not my impression of the book at all.