Saturday 22 January 2011

Taking flight in black and white

I've had a bit of a grotty week at work.  When you are under the weather, all you want is to be left alone and just get on with things quietly and in your own time.  Well that doesn't happen too often in a busy school office!  So after finishing work on Friday, the sun was shining and although it was cold, it was a really nice afternoon so I went for a walk.  The sun really lifted my spirits.  The weekend was just around the corner.  There was no one else around, total solitude.  I was walking along the footpath by the side of the lake and my phone rang.  It was my son, saying his last exam had gone well, the questions he had hoped for had come up and he was relieved to have it all done and dusted.  It was a lovely feeling to be standing in the sunshine with just the ducks for company, chatting to him and hearing his voice relaxed and happy.
This is the photo I took shortly afterwards and looking at it reminds me of how nice it was to be in a quiet, sunny place, hearing good news and chatting to my boy.  It isn't a particularly special photo, but for personal reasons, when I look at it, it brings back that lovely warm feeling inside.


Denise said...

ahhhh that's lovely.Hope you are feeling more back to normal now and let's hope next week is better for you xxx

Anonymous said...

Hope you are on the mend. Sometimes you need a walk to blow the cobwebs away. Super photo.

This West London Life said...

And isn't that what photography should be all about? Hope you feel better soon.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

And I say that's what makes it a great photo! I know what you mean about talking to your kid and having the conversation be uplifting. That's much better than the other way around when they are sad and the convo leaves you feeling heavy.

Hope you are feeling 100% again soon, Deb. Have a lovely weekend! xo

humel said...

I'm glad you had your 'moment', sounds like it was needed - I hope looking at this photo will bring back that feeling of peace and calm whenever you need it xx

Abi said...

hope you feel better soon debs! This picture is so beautiful! xxxx

Cheri said...

What a beautiful photo Deb! And I so know the feeling. I was very very sick on Thursday, but Sarah called from London to tell me her new mattress arrived and it was soooooo nice... and just to hear the pleasure and relief in her voice made me feel better for a moment. Now I know my baby is sleeping better - just need to get there myself! I hope we both get over the ickiness soon! :)

Scrappi Sandi said...

Hope your back to firing on all cylinders again soon...sometimes solitude is all that you need & of course a good news call helps!! Hold onto that feelgood moment :)