Monday 11 April 2011

Home sweet (new) home

It's a funny old day over here in Deb's World.  Today is the day our daughter moved out to live in a lovely new flat with her boyfriend.  So we've spent the day loading up cars, unpacking cars, building flat pack furniture and generally helping them move in.  I was very conscious of not outstaying our welcome and as soon as I could see that the worst was done and all furniture built and in it's place I made sure we said our goodbyes and left them to finish it all off on their own. 
Coming home to the house seemed a bit strange, and when I looked in her room, it was as if she hadn't left!  Still clothes hanging out of drawers, bed unmade, various pots of make up on the dressing table - obviously all the stuff she doesn't think she will be needing but can't bring herself to throw away.  I went to put a load of washing in the washing machine and found a large batch of clothes that she had put in the machine last night, still there - waiting to go in the tumble drier!  I suspect she'll be back very soon to collect them.
Our son, sensing that the full burden of being parented was going to fall on his shoulders, beat a retreat to his girlfriend's family's house on the pretext of needing to see one of her sisters.  Hmmm - I know his game!  He could tell that the absence of his sister would mean more mothering for him. 
As we were leaving the flat, I suddenly remembered that I needed to get a photo of them by their new front door and although eyebrows were raised and sighs were heard, they co operated and I will be using that for a new layout very soon. 
Meanwhile ... there's an empty bedroom in need of spring cleaning ....


Cheri said...

So if you wanted to convert her room to a space usable for other purposes, are you supposed to pack her stuff and move it for her? or toss it for her? Just curious as I have this coming up soon enough (well realistically a few years yet, but that is plenty soon enough for me!). I'm taking notes as you live it Deb!

Denise said...

So glad that it went well and I am looking forward to seeing that photo on a layout very soon :-))x x

Beverly said...

hmmmm possibly a clear it out deadline before throwing it out then you can have a craft room! Too funny about ds :)

Maria Ontiveros said...

LOL at what you saw when you peeked in her "old" room.

Anonymous said...

Glad it all went well today and sending secret little hugs incase you are feeling there is a bit of an empty nest xxx

Scrappi Sandi said...

So glad the move went well & LOL at your sons knee jerk!!! I can see that space being commandeered for 'other uses' pretty soon!!!

Scrappi Sandi said...

p.s. ooops almost forgot!! I have now finished 'I think I love You'...what a fantastic book!! Is there someone else from your followers I can forward it to who would enjoy it? I have been transported back to 1974 every time I've opened the cover, identifying with so much....& so interested in the 'Music Therapy' angle too, as my son benefited enormously from his sessions!! It was one of those books i didn't want to come to an end & I enjoyed it so much...Thank you!! ♥

Cheryl said...

Glad it went well Deb, and looking forward to seeing the LO you make with the photo x

Sian said...

Gulp. That's a big moment for everyone. All I could think of was how my mum must have felt when I got married and moved 70 miles away at the age of 22. Gulp again..

They are lucky to have you to help them out :)

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh, Deb, I remember this feeling all too well. When I go through change I keep myself busy and ended up cleaning and moving into Carrie's room as soon as possible, turning it into my current craft room. She says I couldn't wait to get in there, I maintain that I was just keeping myself busy. And really, I couldn't bear to see her room empty (well, aside from the few remaining bits she'd left behind).

Congrats to your girl, I wish her all the best. And I'm looking forward to seeing that layout! xo

Rachel Brett said...

Ooh a lovely new craft room :)