Sunday 26 February 2012

Week 8 at 365+1

Eek - how has another week passed in the 365+1 challenge?  For this week I can offer you
A lovely sand dollar that we brought back from Florida about 14 years ago
A fashion article from a Sunday supplement that tells us that balaclavas will be in fashion sometime soon (not in this house they won't)
Two packs of antiobiotics to help make me feel 'ordinary' again
An early morning flight taking off in the clouds (hard to see in this reduced version!)
A spookily chosen leftover sticker from an old scrapbook crop day
A patch of boring cloud above the conservatory
and last but not least the mirror at Cafe Rouge.  We had gone there for a family brunch to celebrate my nephew's 40th birthday.

The weather this weekend has been glorious and wherever you look, spring bulbs are poking through the earth and it just makes you feel like you want to get out and about and into the fresh air.  It was lovely to go out yesterday and celebrate my nephew's birthday (my sister now feeling very old at having a 40 year old son - tee hee hee) and my niece was there, absolutely fit to burst.  Second baby due tomorrow and she's at the really uncomfortable, really fed up, just want it to be born stage. So I'm sure there will be some news on that front in the near future.
I haven't done anything creative at all this week, I just haven't felt like it but I think today I feel a bit better so hopefully the antibiotics have started to make an impact.  I need to be better for next Saturday as it's the Eclectic Keepsakes crop and I need to keep my cupcake consumption up.
Hope everyone has had a good weekend, can you believe that February is almost over?!


Rhona said...

We also had beautiful weather this weekend - long may it last! Glad to hear you're feeling a little better and hoping you continue to improve day by day. Hopefully your niece won't have to wait too long before baby makes an appearance :) xx

Anonymous said...

We too have had a glorious weekend, weather wise. Hope you are back to your healthy self soon.

Alison said...

Beautiful weather here too Deb..have started the pruning in the garden over the weekend...hope you are fit for the cupcakes at the weekend!
Alison xx

Lou said...

nice weather here too...good selection of photos. Oh how lovely that there will be a new baby addition to the family soon.

Amy said...

Ooh yes, you will need to be in fighting form for maximum cupcake consumption!

alexa said...

Hoping you're feeling better already :). It'd be a shame to miss out on the cupcake gloriousness. With you on the balaclavas.

alexa said...

Hoping you're feeling better already :). It'd be a shame to miss out on the cupcake gloriousness. With you on the balaclavas.