Sunday 4 March 2012

Storytelling Sunday - Needle in a haystack

Busy day here, so a short story for a change!  It's my son's 22nd birthday tomorrow so I'm telling a story relating to one of his birthday parties back in primary school.  Must have been about 8 I guess and we had gone to the local Indoor Adventure Playground for his party.  This was newly opened and had an enormous ball pond that the boys were having a wonderful time in.
photo: Google images
So I'm sitting in the cafe area, enjoying a coffee and a read of a magazine, safe in the knowledge that the boys were being supervised by the staff in the actual play area (adults not allowed in!)  Suddenly my son's best friend appeared at my side, in tears. 

Me: Oh Sam, whatever is the matter?
Sam: My wobbly tooth's come out.
Me:  Well, I'll make sure I tell your mum so that she can leave a note for the tooth fairy tonight.
Sam: {sobbing} The tooth fairy might not believe me, can you come in the ball pond and help me find it?  

Needless to say, Sam went home with a slice of birthday cake and a goody bag, but no tooth!


Kirsty.A said...

Excellent story!!

This West London Life said...

What a funny story ~ we have visits from the Tooth Fairy still to come.

Jimjams said...

LOL great tale

Jo.C said...

I'm sure the tooth fairy would accept a note to explain the situation. thank you for making me laugh :0)

Anonymous said...

Great story. You've reminded me of one that I need to tell about a lost tooth.

Abi said...

ha ha! This is very sweet and very funny!

Jane said...

I'm sure the tooth fairy understood!

Gem's Crafts said...

How cute was little Sam wanting to find the tooth! Fab story :)

Lynn said...

Ah yes we too have lost teeth but the tooth fairy is very understanding!

Alison said...

Too funny...what a place to lose a tooth! Just as well the Tooth Fairy is such an understanding soul!
Alison xx

Lou said...

I always wondered what lurked under all those balls in the ball i know lol!! Lovely story and one i imagine Sam remembers too x

scrappyjacky said...

I can just imagine how worried he must have been!!!!!

Becky said...

Lovely story!

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

My youngest one lost his somewhere in the public pool this summer & wanted me to "dive for it mama" but since there were far too many people swimming & playing there was no way to even track where the thing went.
He was so bummed

Sian said...

That's a laugh out loud one! A super punchline - short can be very sweet indeed!

I hope he has a great birthday - are you like me and think your own 22nd birthday seems like yesterday? I got married five days after mine..

Thanks for the laugh Deb

Maria Ontiveros said...

LOL!!! I always thought those ball pits were full of all kinds of germs; never though they also had body parts. So funny!

Clare said...

Great story! I'm sure the Tooth Fairy understood...

Mary B said...

Oh dear poor little feller but I bet the tooth fairy believed him and left a token amount for having lost the tooth

furrypig said...

this reminds me of DD losing teeth, I might have to share that story sometime so thanks for the reminder

Missus Wookie said...

Aw - glad the tooth fairy believed the note!

Sabrina DS said...

That was a sweet story. Hope the tooth fairy believed him! Thanks for sharing.
Cheers from France

Ginger said...

LOL!! Your stories are never dull Deb!

Amy said...

A couple of times we have had to write to the Tooth Fairy - those little baby teeth are hard to keep track of!

Anonymous said...

I am surprised at you Deb passing up a valid reason to go play in the ball pit!

Irene said...

Wow, can you imagine trying to find it? Great title for a great story.

Ifa said...

LOL...did you even try to find it ?

Mel said...

I would have jumped at the chance to get in the ball pond. I had my 16th birthday at one of those places and we had to be economical with the truth so that they would allow such big kids in!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Oh my goodness! Poor thing. That's too funny.

My niece Presley lost a tooth at my mom's house last weekend and Mom called the tooth fairy on the phone to let her know Presley wasn't at home and she could visit Grandma's house instead. :o)

Jo said...

Oh what a shame he lost his tooth, finding it could have been a bit of a party game :)

Amy said...

Haha excellent! I lost one of my teeth in the garden once, needless to say a note (and a tear sodden pillow) was all the tooth fairy got that night! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

LOL! I am sure the tooth fairy believed his mom :-)

Anonymous said...

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