Monday 29 October 2012

Hello Monday

Hello Monday - It's 8am and I'm still in my PJs.  That can only mean one thing.  School holidays! 
Hello Monday - And hello to the new job in London that our daughter starts today.  A slight feeling of apprehension is in the air.
Hello Monday - and welcome back to daughter's car.  Turns out that it hadn't been stolen but towed away.  The the company that took it denied having it when the police started their search and waited a further 10 days before putting it on their systems.
Hello Monday - not many more sleeps before we go to visit our son
Hello Monday - and hello to catching up with friends on my much needed week off work
Hello Monday - there's some pretty scary weather forecasting going on today, I hope that any blog friends in the affected areas of America keep safe.
Hello Monday - not to mention Hello November at the end of the week.  That can only mean one thing - Christmas isn't far away!


alexa said...

A leisurely week sounds just the ticket - hoping all goes well for your DD too ...

humel said...

Our half term was last week - not that it makes a huge difference to me at the moment!! But I hope you have a good one xx

All the best to your daughter with the new job, and I'm pleased to hear about her car, but what a nuisance that the tow company messed around so much....

Cheri said...

glad your daughter's car turned up safe and sound - and good luck to her with the new job! We've done all the prep we can for Hurricane Sandy - just waiting now.

Sian said...

Have a good week! That's great news about the car - still a pain but it takes away some of that horrible feeling about the whole thing doesn't it? Best of luck with the new job!

Alison said...

Hope the new job goes well....does this mean you are losing Coco?.....or are you 'adopting' her, as I ended up doing with Boo? Have a good week's holiday Deb
Alison xx

Maria Ontiveros said...

The year is moving right along, isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Good news about the car and hope you have a fabulous week off x

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Glad the car turned up but but wow on them taking so long to admit they had it!