Monday 19 January 2015

Me on Monday 19 Jan

Is it me, or is it cold in here? I've arrived home from work and the house feels really chilled. So I've put the fire on and Me on Monday finds me jostling for position with the dog.
She wins every time!  It's been a cold old weekend around here, and although we had a few little flurries of snow on Saturday, it was only for about 10 minutes.
Did you have a busy weekend?  The keen eyed amongst you may notice that there's been a hair cut around here.  No, not Coco, she's not going to the groomers until Wednesday, it was me this time.  I woke on Saturday with an 'it's time for a change' feeling.  I've had about 4" cut off the back and it's into a bob style again. 
There were long dog walks again on Sunday, with me wearing a warm, wooly hat to compensate for the lack of hair.  There were muddy puddles to jump in, squirrels to chase, other dogs to sniff, tennis balls to throw and pick up(one day we will master fetch) and cats to glare at.  I don't think I've ever seen Coco so muddy, from the tips of her ears, right the way under her tummy and all parts of her legs.  Good job she likes going in the bath!
It was also a tidy everything up in R's bedroom weekend.  She will get the keys to her house next week and she's been gradually buying things and storing in her bedroom.  It was starting to look like the homeware department in John Lewis, so we boxed it all up and tidied it all and lo and behold, we could suddenly see the carpet again!  I'm also still sticking with my 'apartment therapy' project and it was a bedroom blitz weekend.  My bedroom has never looked so clean, uncluttered and tidy.  I can't believe it is half way through and I've still managed to keep up with the daily projects.
It was a weekend of handing over baby quilts and starting a new one.  This one has a canine theme.  Let's just say R has bought a lovely new sofa for her new home and someone with a penchant for muddy puddles and rolling in unmentionable things will not be allowed to sit on it without something in between fur and fabric ...
Giving up a warm, welcoming wave to Sian, who introduced us to Me on Monday!


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

How funny, it's the opposite here, at least inside the house! I had to take my cardi off, when I sat down for lunch, it was so warm! Hope the lost that chill now. What fabric did you decide on for the 'doggy' quilt?

Sian said...

The bob is looking very chic!

it's been cold here, but no snow. Where my Mum is, about 70 miles away, has a lot, though and a water strike, so lots of houses without power and water!

Have a great week, sewing on that new quilt.

Denise said...

Can't wait to see the new quilt and I am really liking that bob xx

helena said...

adorable photo and yes the temperature here is paying the price of beautiful clear blue skies all day

This West London Life said...

Cold here but no snow ... thankfully!

scrappyjacky said...

I hope the doggie quilt works better your end than it does here....she worms her way underneath until she is completely covered!!

Alison said...

Hope you soon heated up..looking forward to seeing the doggy quilt...does that mean Coco is moving out too? xx

Sandra said...

We've had no snow here, but it's been very cold and I've spent a lot of time in front of the fire too. Looking forward to seeing the new quilt started

Susanne said...

Good to see you this Monday. We are warmer here, but more importantly we are enjoying sunshine. I can relate to the filling up of a room before the move-out and the throw needed between the pup and the upholstery. Not to mention that I've noticed I've been bundling my hair up a lot lately, so I must be overdue for a cute. Some things are just universal.

Rachel Brett said...

Love the new do! It's been very cold here but no snow yet :)

Jane said...

It's freezing here today, enjoy sewing the new quilt.

Cheri said...

There's been a chill in the air here too - thank goodness for a gas fireplace!

Abi said...

It's freezing here, thought I do live in the north! We had snow on the ground this morning! I am desperate to get back to my quilt at home. It's very close to being done but I don't have my machine up at uni! Too tempting!

alexa said...

Sorry to be so late catching up ... you bob is very stylish :). Snow? Yep, six inches of it and much of it is still here, alas. You have done well to keep up with the Apartment Therapy project - you must be nearly finished now?