Monday 26 January 2015

Me on Monday - 25 Jan

Tatty old white sweatshirt, sloppy old sweatpants, brush in hand and tin of gloss paint on the floor - it can only mean one thing.  My hints about the faded white paint on the doors between our lounge and dining room have fallen on deaf ears and I've had to resort to a bit of 'do it yourself'. 

Which was quickly followed by, 'it'll be quicker if we both do it' and voila! the job gets done.  Finally.  However, now all the other paintwork looks tatty in comparison ...

However, all that decorating after a busy morning at work meant I had well and truly earned some sewing time.  So with last night's recorded 'Last Tango in Halifax' on the tv in the background, I was happy to continue with working out the placement of the squares for the next quilt.
Ours was a funny old weekend.  Our son has finally found a flat to move into in London and he will be moving out in two Saturdays time.  Our daughter completes on her house on Wednesday and this was literally probably the last time we would all be together for a family Sunday lunch for quite a while.  (I am under no illusions, once J has moved away visits home will be few and far between!)  So add to that we had mother in law here celebrating her 88th birthday, and P's cousin here too, it was a busy day yesterday!  I think my sewing time was well overdue.
For J and his girlfriend it was a weekend of going through the boxes they brought back from Edinburgh, for R is was a weekend of getting all the bits and pieces she's bought for her house into boxes read to transport later this week, and for P and me, the prospect of reclaiming our garage/spare bedroom/landing from all the clutter that they have both been accumulating.  It's going to be very weird just being the two of us here!

How's your week shaping up?
Joining in with Sian's Me on Monday posts.


Cheri said...

Happy Monday! Sounds like you have been quite busy with working on becoming an empty-nester.

Sandra said...

You've certainly had a busy week

Susanne said...
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Susanne said...

It does sounds like there is lots going on with you and yours. I hope both their moves go well. Happy Monday.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Wow - lots of changes coming your way.

Ruth said...

I do hope it's not too lonely when then they both move out.

Sian said...

A transitional kind of a weekend. Hope they both get well settled soon..they'll be thinking about you :)

You look very chic painting in that white sweatshirt I think!

Alison said...

Hope the moves go well...does that mean Coco's moving out too? Xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Lots of change to contend with. We're heading into similar territory here, with one (hopefully) off to Uni in September. Have a great week.

Sandie said...

Lots going on for you and yours Deb, there is always mixed feelings when our children leave home. And I know what you mean about painting, once you start it is difficult to know where to stop! We have projects waiting...
Have a good week and hoping to see you at Eclectic on 7th.

alexa said...

My goodness, you have been busy, busy, busy! And such a lot of things to get your head round ... Hoping it's a great feeling to reclaim your space :).

Rachel Brett said...

My goodness what a busy weekend... I love how you got your hubby to do some painting too. I will be using that one ;)