Friday 15 April 2016

Liberate Your Art 2016

I'm not sure what gave me the courage to put my name down to join in with the Liberate Your Art Postcard Swap project.  But in true Deb tradition, the minute I'd entered my details I had a 'what on earth was I thinking?' moment. The final blog post from Kat Sloma about the swap can be seen here. Just check out some of the amazing postcards that people sent around the world.

But that's the end of the project, let's rewind and remember the beginning - I read and re read the instructions and with the thought that art can take many forms, not just paints and canvases I went ahead and had some postcards made with a few images of quilting that I had done and photos I had taken.  They were written on, packaged up and sent on their way to Kat to be forwarded on to other participants.
The date for the exchange came and I impatiently waited for the cards that would be sent to me from 5 other artists.  Look at the lovely cards I received:
from Krisha in Southern California.  This is a page from one of her art journals, and created with just a pallet knife.  Isn't she clever?  The writing says 'She sent her heart afloat before it could be broken'.

From Janice Darby in California.  'Until you spread your wings you will have no idea how far you can fly' is the quote on the front.  Such beautiful details in her artwork, my photo does not do it justice!

'Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul' - John Muir.  This is the quote Sarah Calhoun in Georgia added to the reverse of her card.  This photo was taken in Cloudland Canyon State Park and is quite amazing.  I would never have guessed it was a photo, the techniques she has used are brilliant.
This rather regal lady is the artwork of Janet Reid.  She has added the quote 'Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life' - Pablo Picasso.  I tried to find something with similar colours to add as a 'prop' to my photo and liked the way the colour of the Chambord matched the majestic purple and the crown on the label echoes that in the picture.

Now, art can take many forms and Dona Hyll is a member of a band called Vatra Ziva from Columbus, Ohio.  She added the quote 'A painter paints pictures on canvas, but musicians paint their pictures on silence' - Leopold Stokowski.

I just have one more that I am waiting for, the one from Kat herself. 

It's been such a lovely project to be part of, and I apologise now to the recipients of my cards for they have no clever or thought provoking quote included on them.  I just added a short personal message but I will know better for next time.  For there will be a next time - I have really enjoyed waiting to see what beauties will be waiting for me on my door mat when I get home from work.  Happy mail really is the best!  Technology is great and it is such a quick and easy way to communicate but there is something about receiving something in the post that you can touch, look at and admire.
Huge thanks go out to Kat for organising this; I can't begin to imagine the logistics of how she does it, for although all the cards I received were from USA participants, people took part from all over the world.  175 people took part from 12 different countries!  Kat made it so easy to join in, even from overseas, and the instructions were clear and easy to follow.  Did you take part this year?  I think that every one of the people who comment on my blog are artists in so many different ways whether it be scrapbooking, card making, painting, sewing, knitting, crocheting ... the list of ways you can create art is long.  I've really enjoyed checking out the blogs and etsy shops of those people who sent me their details and it's been fun spreading my wings and finding new blogs to check out.  Come and join me next year - I'll let you know when the sign up begins!



carol edan said...

Lovely blog post and great cards... I think now you are glad you joined... I am!!!

This West London Life said...

It look like a lovely swap ... and as a recipient of one of your cards, I can vouch for their loveliness!

Sian said...

It's an absolutely wonderful project. And I bow down to the work and love and care Kat must put into it. The last swap I did had 60 in it and it did take quite a lot of answering questions and sorting things out..I can't imagine over twice that many!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

I didn't participate this year because I just couldn't pull anything together in time, but I have enjoyed participating in the past. I did the same thing you did on my first year - didn't even think about adding a quote. I'm sure your postcards were much appreciated, Deb! And I'm sure they were lovely!

alexa said...

You have showcased each of these lovely works of art most beautifully, with lots of thought. so glad you enjoyed it, and I am sure your own lovely work will be gracing homes far away.

twil123123 said...

Way to go Deb, fantastic compilation of the event, beautiful work sent and received! So glad you joined the fun this year!! Happy LYA 2016!

Sea Dean - Paint a Masterpiece said...

I love the way you've photographed each piece. See you next year.

chasing the sun said...

Your work is beautiful and I love your page..Such a pretty assortment of art :-))

Sheila said...

So glad to see you in the swap, and looking forward to next year! Love the way you showcased the cards you received :) Happy creating to you Deb!

Maria Ontiveros said...

So glad you joined in. I've participated for 4 or 5 years.
You did a great job photograph on your returns,
Would love to see what you sent.

Kat van Rooyen, CZT said...

So glad that you joined us! See you next year!

Michele at Sweet Leaf Notebook said...

Welcome aboard, Deb. It is fun, isn't it? And so many ways to express our creativity. It is truly inspiring! See you next year. -- Michele at Sweet Leaf Notebook

Rosie Grey said...

I'm so happy you had the courage to join in! Such a beautiful collection of cards!

GalleryJuana said...

Glad you joined! And I'm sure your personal message was inspiring. I enjoy the message whether or not it's personal or a quote. It's always great fun receiving the cards and I like how you featured the ones you received! Happy LYA 2016.

CatieAn said...

what a wonderful presentation......amazing cards both sent and received. I am so happy you joined us this year.....always look forward to the postcards and keep my eye on my own art year round for possible cards to make.

Christine Brooks said...

I agree. you captured it well. the begining, and my fear, all the way to the end, i too will do it again.

Christine Brooks said...

me too, i would like to see your art.

Christine Brooks said...

me too, i would like to see your art.

Christine Brooks said...


Christine Brooks said...

I agree. you captured it well. the begining, and my fear, all the way to the end, i too will do it again.

Sophie said...

Creative installation of cards! All of them evoke such different feelings. It's amazing.

Marrianna said...

This was my first time for Kat's Liberate Your Art postcard swap, too. I didn't think of a clever quote to add to my images, either. Now that I'm finishing up another postcard swap where we get a prompt every week to write include on our postcards, I've been enjoying adding my responses to my photos on the front of the postcard. It is finished for this year, however, I just got word about another postcard swap similar to LYA and our postcards are due to the hostess by June 1. If you would like more information, please send me an email: Also, if you want to do a side swap, I'm having more postcards printed to send out.

Marrianna in Flagstaff, AZ

Cheri said...

I didn't participate this year as I just didn't have the time to devote to it. But I definitely enjoyed when I did! Maybe next year?