Monday 25 April 2016

Memorandum Monday

As a lady of a certain age, the recent programme on the BBC, 'How to Stay Young', was naturally of more than passing interest. The presenter of it was Angela Rippon, a spritely 71 year old.  It was quite interesting to see the various tests and research that was going on to see whether the physical age of your body matches the number of candles on your birthday cake.  And you know what they say, the more candles, the bigger the cake - which can only be a good thing.  

One thing that came across from it was that it isn't necessarily things like crosswords and Sudoku that keep your brain active, although they are good to keep it stimulated, it's learning new things.  Like a language or trying hard to find something new to write about for Sian's Memorandum Monday meme.  OK, so Angela didn't mention Sian by name but as I heard her talk about learning new things, it was pretty obvious to me that was what she meant!  

So, we hosted a Curry Night for some friends on Saturday and after we'd eaten we were sitting in the lounge where the men were smugly saying how their weekly badminton games were keeping them youthful and active (in the interests of full disclosure, I need to add that immediately after coming home from badminton and having a shower they meet up again in the pub thus undoing all the good work they'd done in the previous hour).  I mentioned a 'sit and rise' test that I had seen on the programme which showed how fit your leg muscles are.

Before I explain the presence of the Ibuprofen gel in the photo, I should explain that after a couple of gin and tonics and a glass of wine, having a go at doing the Sit and Rise experiment seemed like a good idea.  Find a clear space in the lounge, stand with one leg crossed in front of the other one (so far so good) and lower yourself into a sitting position on the floor without holding onto anything.  Angela makes it look easy peasy lemon squeezy.  Just watch her showing off here.  (NO I'm not bitter that a 71 year old can do it effortlessly when I, a mere 58, fell over twice. I blame the gin)  Third time lucky, I managed to get sitting down (rather inelegantly, thank goodness I was wearing trousers) but as my bottom hit the floor, I felt a tweak in my knee.  As I was the only one who managed to even get that far, I was too smug to admit that I may have done some damage!  But this morning when I got out of bed, my first thought was 'Where's that pain killer gel?'  I think I probably should have read the small print before I had a go:

Clearly a controlled environment isn't 11.30pm in the middle of the lounge.  Have you had a go yet?  Come on girls, we can't be beaten by Angela Rippon!


Susanne said...

So I am sure I could NOT have done as well as you. And I'd have had another G&T in consolation - so much for a controlled environment, eh?

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I had to try it, of course! I got down without mishap, but getting back up was a whole other story!

helena said...

feeling a bit guilty for laughing at your misfortune but I know what you mean about things sounding like a good idea in those circumstances but not in the cold light of day. I know I'd fall over just trying to move after having my legs crossed like that!! Have a good week

Cheri said...

I've seen/tried this test before. I was able to sit okay (not entirely elegantly), but I could not rise without putting either a hand or knee on the floor.

Sian said...

Funnily enough, our Pilates teacher was talking about this test last week. I gave it a go..and I didn't even need the gin before I wobbled, so it sounds to me like you are doing ok. Sorry about the knee though..tho I'm glad you mentioned it: I wouldn't want to cycle too hard and end up the same way..maybe I should forget the bike :) ?

Wishing you a great week

Maggie said...

Would a controlled environment be the floor in A&E? Just so that I am there ready for attention afterwards. Probably with the current junior doctor dilemma they would probably just step over me looking for more worthy casualties.

Patio Postcards said...

Ha ha ha. Keep practicing the sit & stand it will get easier - said no one.

At the physio clinic we also encourage some of our seasoned patients to practice a simple balancing exercise - stand with one foot raised in front of you & hold for as long as possible without holding on to anything. Lack of balance is a major reason for falls & it can be relearned ...

alexa said...

Ouch :(. That sounds painful ... I am loath to try it in case I do myself further damage! Thst's my excuse ... Thank-you for teaching us something new! And hoping your knee is better by now,

Sandra said...

What a coincidence .... No not the G&T's, but only last week Maria was telling me about the show and how certain things keep you young. Our Pilates teacher talks about standing on one leg to keep your mind active. Personally I think the G&T's do a pretty good job lol x

This West London Life said...

Ha, ha, ha! (I'm not really laughing, much ...) I keep hearing about Ms Rippon; she obviously struck a chord with her viewers.

Alison said...

In the episode I watched I felt pretty smug, as our Ange revealed that dancing was the best thing to keep your brain active...and what with having to try to remember line dancing steps I totally agreed it's glad I missed the part you're talking about or I would have been tempted to try it, just out of sheer bloody-mindedness...I might yet!! Xx