Hang in a minute, did any of the overly observant out there notice the label on the front? The one that says Labour Ward? So you now know it's not me that's hooked up to the monitor! Rachel had mentioned at the weekend that although she could still the baby moving, the kicks weren't as strong as before, and the routine of when she felt them had changed. I thought maybe the baby had changed position and so the movements were happening in a different place. She was still worried this morning and rang the hospital who said that it was important to get it checked out. Her fiancé was already on the train to London and the hospital said to come NOW so I was woken by the phone ringing to ask if I would be able to go with her and keep her company. Not the best way to start the day. So after half an hour on a monitor and an hour waiting for a doctor to finish his meeting she was given the all clear and told that all seemed well, maybe this is what her 'new normal ' was going to be. However, just to be on the safe side, they've booked her in for a scan later. Guess where I'm going this afternoon?
Talking of babies, when I was planning this post yesterday, I was thinking it was going to be about MY new baby, my new car ...
pleased to hear all is well - isn't medical technology marvellous that a check can be made so fast - have a great week
Glad they took such precautions - always better to get checked out than to worry.
Always best to check things out. Glad she has you in her corner today.
Bet she was so relieved that you were able to come with her. a loving hand at moments like these can mean a lot.
Hope you get out and about in your new car this week..on a few pleasure trips that is and not back to the hospital. Thinking about you all!
Good to hear it's all fine. Those kinds of phone calls can really stop your heart. x
I too am on the hunt for a new baby. The 4-wheeled kind that is.
Mine has so many 'issues' it would cost far more to repair than it's worth! But considering how anxious I was choosing a new phone/camera/laptop ... I can't see this process going smoothly .. or speedily!
So glad to read that all is well with baby & daughter. It can be very scary when the baby changes its routine.
Nice new car baby ... I hope that the weather changes enough to allow some new outings to report on.
Delighted to hear all is well after the slight scare of that initial photo! And a lovely vehicle for running them around in ... Very chic!
Oh gosh, Deb, I do hope Rachel and baby are doing well. Do keep us posted on her progress. Any more plans for a baby shower? Have a great week! xo
So pleased to hear all is well, a big relief all around, I'd say and yay to a new car. I must admit, I adore my mini
That definitely wakes you up! Happy to read that the doctors feel everything is fine. I'll lift prayers for Rachela nd the little one. Now, go plan a mini adventure for this weekend!! We want to read about it Monday ;)
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