Monday 3 October 2016

Memorandum Monday - the 'it's too early' edition

Hands up anyone who is thinking about putting up their Christmas tree anytime soon.  Not many eh? 
So in joining in with Sian's Memorandum Monday this week I'm sharing two firsts that I've experienced today -
The first Christmas department that I've seen this year - on, yes, the 3rd October.  Is it me or does that seem just a little bit too early?  And yet ... I did head over there to have a look (strictly in the interests of taking a photo for Memorandum Monday of course) and my walking speed definitely slowed as I passed the copper coloured baubles.  But my resolve did not weaken and I did not buy any.  Even though some of them were absolutely beautiful.  I wasn't tempted at all.  Not one little bit.  OK, yes I was, right up until the moment my husband found me and tutted about 'can't believe people can even think of buying Christmas decorations yet' ...
This was a first within a first, as it was also my first visit to see the new shopping centre that has opened up in Chelmsford.  I had a voucher from John Lewis offering me free tea and cake in their new store, and an invitation from White Stuff offering a discount and it seemed like the stars were aligning to say I needed to go and see what it was like.  So to make up for posting a totally unseasonable photo at the beginning of this, let me share the view from outside John Lewis, showing the River Chelmer on a gloriously sunny October afternoon.

It seems crazy that this morning some people I work with woke to a thin layer of frost on their car windscreens and this afternoon, people were sitting outside restaurants in the sunshine.  Only in England eh?


Patio Postcards said...

Yes I do think it is too early for Christmas; said while induced into a humming of "we wish you a Merry Christmas" by THAT Christmas tree photo. We, over the pond in Canada, have to get to Thanksgiving first (Oct 10th) then through Halloween (31st)& done with the American election campaign beginning of November before I can even entertain the thoughts of Christmas planning. Lovely reflective photo of the river.

This West London Life said...

Hmmm, I actually mentioned to The Boy Child that we should call in at Harrods this coming weekend for Christmas baubles (I want to send a few overseas) ...
That's a glorious shot from the window at John Lewis!

Sandra said...

Ok, I'm just hiding in the shadows here as, trust me, if I could, my tree would be up lol. I know, I know it's waaaay to early, but I just can't wait. I was in John Lewis too looking at the decorations, they're very pretty, aren't they?

alexandra s.m. said...

yep, I agree, too early!
Here ( Chicago) for now, it's all about halloween but very often Christmas is right there next to the Halloween ailes which is a bit odd when you think about it!

Sian said...

Ha! You've probably heard me moaning about this before: we don't have John Lewis here. They put in a planning application over ten years ago and the planners are still arguing about it! So I go a little mad when I get to Edinburgh..

Wishing you a good week!

Julie Kirk said...

But what about when you come across the first 'Baby's First Christmas' baubles ...

My Dad texted me last week to let me know that there were Christmas trees in B&Q. (Not sure why I needed to know that but ... still!) I've decided to put my tree up earlier than usual this year ... the pre-Christmas build-up is far more enjoyable than the post-Boxing Day take-it-down feeling. So I'm going to enjoy it from early December this year! (Not this week though ...)

helena said...

yes I agree way to early - in Tesco this morning they had festive costumes on sale but not the halloween stuff yet!!

Jane said...

good old english weather enjoy the sun while we can. It's far too early for thinking about Christmas.

Susanne said...

I need to sort out my Christmas things early this year, so I might be glad if a few new baubles could be found to freshen things up. I do start thinking about it in October, but the craft stores around here have had stuff out for 2 full months - earlier and earlier every year, it seems.