Monday 20 February 2017

Memos, Mail and Me

She's back!


I hope that Sian doesn't mind me slightly amending the Monday Meme, but the best bit of 'post' I received this week didn't come through the letter box, it was hanging from the rear view mirror of my beautifully repaired car!

She looks exactly as she should do, shiny and unblemished. It felt so good to get in the driving seat again and I can assure you that on Tuesday night, when P's friends come round for him for badminton, she will be safely locked away in the garage, out of harms way.  When the guy dropped her off, he asked how the accident had happened and his exact words were 'what an idiot'.  That was the moment at which we bonded, with that mutual agreement that technology is fine, but if you have a pair of eyes in your head and three mirrors in and around your car to see where you're reversing, don't wait for a 'beep' to become a continuous note. 
So, half term has been and gone and I need to seriously review the amount of cake and sweet stuff I have got into the habit of eating.  Although, I don't work on Mondays and have plans to go out for lunch with friends today - ok, good intentions will have to start tomorrow. 


Patio Postcards said...

Oh so glad to hear that your car is back safely tucked up in the garage. Don't get me started about technology replacing ears, eyes & good sense. I will say no more.

Happy week ahead & I hope lunch with friends was absolutely delightful. I agree tomorrow is always a good day to start a change of delightful eating ...

Maggie said...

Hi. Just popped in from Sian's blog to say hello. Glad to hear you have your car back but I can see I will have to look back to see what happened to it!

Sian said...

Hurray! That's great news! Just heard a shocker about a car with a failed handbrake. Little E rolled away! But everyone is fine.

Wishing you a week of happy driving :)

Sandra said...

So glad your car is back, I fully understand your upset, I'd be exactly the same

Ruth said...

Glad you have your lovely car back. No such thing as too much cake ...

alexa said...

That must feel wonderful ... Hoping it stays looking lovely! Cake? What's winter for ... :).